Tue, 10 Nov 2020

Power-law bounds for critical long-range percolation

Tom Hutchcroft
Further Information

Part of the Oxford Discrete Maths and Probability Seminar, held via Zoom. Please see the seminar website for details.


In long-range percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^d$, each potential edge $\{x,y\}$ is included independently at random with probability roughly $\beta\|x-y\|-d-\alpha$, where $\alpha > 0$ controls how long-range the model is and $\beta > 0$ is an intensity parameter. The smaller $\alpha$ is, the easier it is for very long edges to appear. We are normally interested in fixing $\alpha$ and studying the phase transition that occurs as $\beta$ is increased and an infinite cluster emerges. Perhaps surprisingly, the phase transition for long-range percolation is much better understood than that of nearest neighbour percolation, at least when $\alpha$ is small: It is a theorem of Noam Berger that if $\alpha < d$ then the phase transition is continuous, meaning that there are no infinite clusters at the critical value of $\beta$. (Proving the analogous result for nearest neighbour percolation is a notorious open problem!) In my talk I will describe a new, quantitative proof of Berger's theorem that yields power-law upper bounds on the distribution of the cluster of the origin at criticality.
    As a part of this proof, I will describe a new universal inequality stating that on any graph, the maximum size of a percolation cluster is of the same order as its median with high probability. This inequality can also be used to give streamlined new proofs of various classical results on e.g. Erdős-Rényi random graphs, which I will hopefully have time to talk a little bit about also.

Tue, 03 Nov 2020

Combinatorics from the zeros of polynomials

Julian Sahasrabudhe
Further Information

Part of the Oxford Discrete Maths and Probability Seminar, held via Zoom. Please see the seminar website for details.


Let $X$ be a random variable, taking values in $\{1,…,n\}$, with standard deviation $\sigma$ and let $f_X$ be its probability generating function. Pemantle conjectured that if $\sigma$ is large and $f_X$ has no roots close to 1 in the complex plane then $X$ must approximate a normal distribution. In this talk, I will discuss a complete resolution of Pemantle's conjecture. As an application, we resolve a conjecture of Ghosh, Liggett and Pemantle by proving a multivariate central limit theorem for, so called, strong Rayleigh distributions. I will also discuss how these sorts of results shed light on random variables that arise naturally in combinatorial settings. This talk is based on joint work with Marcus Michelen.

Mon, 01 Jun 2020

Homological mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces

Ailsa Keating

Given a log Calabi-Yau surface Y with maximal boundary D, I'll explain how to construct a mirror Landau-Ginzburg model, and sketch a proof of homological mirror symmetry for these pairs when (Y,D) is distinguished within its deformation class (this is mirror to an exact manifold). I'll explain how to relate this to the total space of the SYZ fibration predicted by Gross--Hacking--Keel, and, time permitting, explain ties with earlier work of Auroux--Katzarkov--Orlov and Abouzaid. Joint work with Paul Hacking.

Tue, 25 Feb 2020

Coordinate Deletion

Eero Räty

For a family $A$ in $\{0,...,k\}^n$, its deletion shadow is the set obtained from $A$ by deleting from any of its vectors one coordinate. Given the size of $A$, how should we choose $A$ to minimise its deletion shadow? And what happens if instead we may delete only a coordinate that is zero? We discuss these problems, and give an exact solution to the second problem.

Thu, 13 Feb 2020

15:00 - 16:00

Jacobian threefolds, Prym surfaces and 2-Selmer groups

Jef Laga

In 2013, Bhargava-Shankar proved that (in a suitable sense) the average rank of elliptic curves over Q is bounded above by 1.5, a landmark result which earned Bhargava the Fields medal. Later Bhargava-Gross proved similar results for hyperelliptic curves, and Poonen-Stoll deduced that most hyperelliptic curves of genus g>1 have very few rational points. The goal of my talk is to explain how simple curve singularities and simple Lie algebras come into the picture, via a modified Grothendieck-Brieskorn correspondence.

Moreover, I’ll explain how this viewpoint leads to new results on the arithmetic of curves in families, specifically for certain families of non-hyperelliptic genus 3 curves.

Thu, 21 Nov 2019

11:30 - 12:30

On NIP formulas in groups

Gabriel Conant

I will present joint work with A. Pillay on the theory of NIP formulas in arbitrary groups, which exhibit a local formulation of the notion of finitely satisfiable generics (as defined by Hrushovski, Peterzil, and Pillay). This setting generalizes ``local stable group theory" (i.e., the study of stable formulas in groups) and also the case of arbitrary NIP formulas in pseudofinite groups. Time permitting, I will mention an application of these results in additive combinatorics.

Mon, 25 Nov 2019

Irrationality and monodromy for cubic threefolds

Ivan Smith

The homological monodromy of the universal family of cubic threefolds defines a representation of a certain Artin-type group into the symplectic group Sp(10;\Z). We use Thurston’s classification of surface automorphisms to prove this does not factor through the genus five mapping class group.  This gives a geometric group theory perspective on the well-known irrationality of cubic threefolds, as established by Clemens and Griffiths.

Thu, 17 Oct 2019

12:00 - 13:00

Quasi-normal modes on asymptotically flat black holes

Dejan Gajic

A fundamental problem in the context of Einstein's equations of general relativity is to understand precisely the dynamical evolution of small perturbations of stationary black hole solutions. It is expected that there is a discrete set of characteristic frequencies that play a dominant role at late time intervals and carry information about the nature of the black hole, much like the normal frequencies of a vibrating string. These frequencies are called quasi-normal frequencies or resonances and they are closely related to scattering resonances in the study of Schrödinger-type equations. I will discuss a new method of defining and studying resonances for linear wave equations on asymptotically flat black holes, developed from joint work with Claude Warnick.

Mon, 29 Apr 2019

Knots, SL_2(R) representations, and a total Lin invariant

Jacob Rasmussen

X.S. Lin defined an invariant of knots in S^3 by counting represenations 
of the knot group into SU(2) with fixed meridinal holonomy. Lin's 
invariant was subsequently shown to coincide with the Levine-Tristam 
signature. I'll define an analogous total Lin invariant which counts 
repesentations into both SU(2) and SL_2(R). Unlike the SU(2) version, this 
invariant does not (as far as I know) coincide with other known 
invariants. I'll describe some applications to left-orderability of Dehn 
fillings and branched covers, as well as a curious connection with the 
Alexander polynomial. This is joint work with Nathan Dunfield.

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