Forthcoming events in this series

Wed, 17 Oct 2012

Rank gradient in Vienna (or what I learnt in the summer)

Alejandra Garrido Angulo -- St Hugh's, 80WR18
((Oxford University)))

I will give a brief report on some the topics discussed at the workshop "Golod-Shafarevich groups and rank gradient" that took place this August in Vienna. I will focus on results involving rank gradient.

Wed, 15 Feb 2012

Centralisers of Subsystems of Fusion Systems -- St Hugh's, 80WR18

Jason Semeraro

Saturated fusion systems are a relatively new class of objects that are often described as the correct 'axiomatisation' of certain p-local phenomena in algebraic topology. Despite these geometric beginnings however, their structure is sufficiently rigid to afford its own local theory which in some sense mimics the local theory of finite groups. In this talk, I will briefly motivate the definition of a saturated fusion system and discuss a remarkable result of Michael Aschbacher which proves that centralisers of normal subsystems of a saturated fusion system, F, exist and are themselves saturated. I will then attempt to justify his definition in the case where F is non-exotic by appealing to some classical group theoretic results. If time permits I will speculate about a topological characterisation of the centraliser as the set of homotopy fixed points of a certain action on the classifying space of F.

Wed, 18 Jan 2012

11:30 - 12:30

On the Unit Conjecture for Group Rings -- St Hugh's 80WR18

Peter Pappas

I will present a history of the problem, relate it to other conjectures, and, with time permitting, indicate recent developments. The focus will primarily be group-theoretic and intended for the non-specialist.

Wed, 23 Nov 2011

On $d$-sequences (or, Growth of generating sets for direct powers of algebraic structures)

Alejandra Garrido Angulo

It is known that the minimum number of generators d(G^n) of the n-th direct power G^n of a non-trivial finite group G tends to infinity with n. This prompts the question: in which ways can the sequence {d(G^n)} tend to infinity? This question was first asked by Wiegold who almost completely answered it for finitely generated groups during the 70's. The question can then be generalised to any algebraic structure and this is still an open problem currently being researched. I will talk about some of the results obtained so far and will try to explain some of the methods used to obtain them, both for groups and for the more general algebraic structure setting.

Wed, 09 Nov 2011

11:30 - 12:30

Mathematical models of composition (St Hugh's, 80WR18)

David Hume

We explore methods (deterministic and otherwise) of composing music using mathematical models. Musical examples will be provided throughout and the audience (with the speakers assistance) will compose a brand new piece.

Wed, 02 Nov 2011

11:30 - 12:30

General relativity+cobordism= time machine (maybe) (St Hugh's, 80WR18)

Alessandro Sisto
(University College, Oxford)

We will start off with a crash course in General relativity, and then I'll describe a 'recipe' for a time machine. This will lead us to the question whether or not the topology of the universe can change. We will see that, in some sense, this is topologically allowed. However, the Einstein equation gives a certain condition on the Ricci tensor (which is violated by certain quantum effects) and meeting this condition is a more delicate problem.

Wed, 26 Oct 2011

11:30 - 12:30

Coincidences between characteristic classes of surface bundles (St Hugh's, 80WR18)

Martin Palmer

I will begin by defining the notion of a characteristic class of surface bundles, and constructing the MMM (Miller-Morita-Mumford) classes as examples. I will then talk about a recent theorem of Church, Farb, and Thibault which shows that the characteristic numbers associated to certain MMM-classes do not depend on how the total space is fibred as a surface bundle - they depend only on the topology of the total space itself. In particular they don't even depend on the genus of the fibre. Hence there are many 'coincidences' between the characteristic numbers of very different-looking surface bundles.

A corollary of this is an obstruction to low-genus fiberings: given a smooth manifold E, the non-vanishing of a certain invariant of E implies that any surface bundle with E as its total space must have a fibre with genus greater than a certain lower bound.

Also, following the paper of Church-Farb-Thibault, I will sketch how to construct examples of 4-manifolds which fibre in two distinct ways as a surface bundle over another surface, thus giving concrete examples to which the theorem applies.

Wed, 12 Oct 2011

11:30 - 12:30

The Proof of the Hanna Neumann Conjecture (St Hugh's, 80 WR, 18)

Owen Cotton-Barratt
(University of Oxford)

The Hanna Neumann Conjecture provides a bound on the rank of the intersection of finitely generated subgroups of a free group. We will follow Mineyev's recent elementary and beautiful proof of this longstanding conjecture.

Wed, 22 Jun 2011

11:30 - 12:30
ChCh, Tom Gate, Room 2

Things I haven't managed to do

David Craven
(University of Oxford)

This talk will summarize some of the problems and conjectures that I haven't managed to solve (although I have tried to) while spending my three years in this job. It will cover the areas of group theory, representation theory, both of general finite groups and of symmetric groups, and fusion systems.

Wed, 01 Jun 2011

11:30 - 12:30
ChCh, Tom Gate, Room 2

Sophic groups

Elisabeth Fink
(University of Oxford)

The talk will start with the definition of amenable groups. I will discuss various properties and interesting facts about them. Those will be underlined with representative examples. Based on this I will give the definition and some basic properties of sofic groups, which only emerged quite recently. Those groups are particularly interesting as it is not know whether every group is sofic.

Wed, 04 May 2011

11:30 - 12:30
ChCh, Tom Gate, Room 2

Unbounding Ext

David Stewart
(University of Oxford)