Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 30 Apr 2018

15:45 - 16:45

Ricci Flow, Stochastic Analysis, and Functional Inequalities on Manifolds with Time-Dependent Riemannian Metrics

(Northwestern University, USA)

Stochastic analysis on a Riemannian manifold is a well developed area of research in probability theory.

We will discuss some recent developments on stochastic analysis on a manifold whose Riemannian metric evolves with time, a typical case of which is the Ricci flow. Familiar results such as stochastic parallel transport, integration by parts formula, martingale representation theorem, and functional inequalities have interesting extensions from

time independent metrics to time dependent ones. In particular, we will discuss an extension of Beckner’s inequality on the path space over a Riemannian manifold with time-dependent metrics. The classical version of this inequality includes the Poincare inequality and the logarithmic Sobolev inequality as special cases.


Mon, 30 Apr 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Varieties of Signature Tensors

(TUM Germany)

The signature of a parametric curve is a sequence of tensors whose entries are iterated integrals, and they are central to the theory of rough paths in stochastic analysis.  For some special families of curves, such as polynomial paths and piecewise-linear paths, their parametrized signature tensors trace out algebraic varieties in the space of all tensors. We introduce these varieties and examine their fundamental properties, while highlighting their intimate connection to the problem of recovering a path from its signature. This is joint work with Peter Friz and Bernd Sturmfels. 

Mon, 23 Apr 2018

15:45 - 16:45

Rough mean field equations

(University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis)

 We provide in this work a robust solution theory for random rough differential equations of mean field type


dX_t = V\big( X_t,{\mathcal L}(X_t)\big)dt + \textrm{F}\bigl( X_t,{\mathcal L}(X_t)\bigr) dW_t,


where $W$ is a random rough path and ${\mathcal L}(X_t)$ stands for the law of $X_t$, with mean field interaction in both the drift and diffusivity. Propagation of chaos results for large systems of interacting rough differential equations are obtained as a consequence, with explicit convergence rate. The development of these results requires the introduction of a new rough path-like setting and an associated notion of controlled path. We use crucially Lions' approach to differential calculus on Wasserstein space along the way. This is a joint work with I. Bailleul and R. Catellier.

Joint work with I. Bailleul (Rennes) and R. Catellier (Nice)

Mon, 23 Apr 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Numerically Modelling Stochastic Lie Transport in Fluid Dynamics

(Imperial College London)

We present a numerical investigation of stochastic transport for the damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. According to Holm (Proc Roy Soc, 2015) and Cotter et al. (2017), the principles of transformation theory and multi-time homogenisation, respectively, imply a physically meaningful, data-driven approach for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, for a certain class of fluid flows. We develop a new methodology to implement this velocity decomposition and then numerically integrate the resulting stochastic partial differential equation using a finite element discretisation. We show our numerical method is consistent.
Numerically, we perform the following analyses on this velocity decomposition. We first perform uncertainty quantification tests on the Lagrangian trajectories by comparing an ensemble of realisations of Lagrangian trajectories driven by the stochastic differential equation, and the Lagrangian trajectory driven by the ordinary differential equation. We then perform uncertainty quantification tests on the resulting stochastic partial differential equation by comparing the coarse-grid realisations of solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation with the ``true solutions'' of the deterministic fluid partial differential equation, computed on a refined grid. In these experiments, we also investigate the effect of varying the ensemble size and the number of prescribed stochastic terms. Further experiments are done to show the uncertainty quantification results "converge" to the truth, as the spatial resolution of the coarse grid is refined, implying our methodology is consistent. The uncertainty quantification tests are supplemented by analysing the L2 distance between the SPDE solution ensemble and the PDE solution. Statistical tests are also done on the distribution of the solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation. The numerical results confirm the suitability of the new methodology for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, in the case of damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. This is the first step of a larger data assimilation project which we are embarking on. This is joint work with Colin Cotter, Dan Crisan, Darryl Holm and Igor Shevchenko.

Mon, 05 Mar 2018

15:45 - 16:45

McKean-Vlasov SDEs with irregular drift: large deviations for particle approximation

(WIAS Berlin)

McKean-Vlasov SDEs are SDEs where  the coefficients depend on the law of the solution to the SDE. Their interest is in the links with nonlinear PDEs on one side (the SDE-related Fokker-Planck equation is nonlinear) and with interacting particles on the other side: the McKean-Vlasov SDE be approximated by a system of weakly coupled SDEs. In this talk we consider McKean-Vlasov SDEs with irregular drift: though well-posedness for this SDE is not known, we show a large deviation principle for the corresponding interacting particle system. This implies, in particular, that any limit point of the particle system solves the McKean-Vlasov SDE. The proof combines rough paths techniques and an extended Vanrdhan lemma.

This is a joint work with Thomas Holding.

Mon, 05 Mar 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Epsilon-strong simulation of Levy-driven stochastic differential equations

(Columbia University (New York))

 Consider dY(t)=f(X(t))dX(t), where X(t) is a pure jump Levy process with finite p-variation norm, 1<= p < 2, and f is a Lipchitz continuous function. Following the geometric solution construction of Levy-driven stochastic differential equations in (Williams 2001), we develop a class of epsilon-strong simulation algorithms that allows us to construct a probability space, supporting both the geometric solution Y and a fully simulatable process Y_epsilon, such that Y_epsilon is within epsilon distance from Y under the uniform metric on compact time intervals with probability 1. Moreover, the users can adaptively choose epsilon’ < epsilon, so that Y_epsilon’ can be constructed conditional on Y_epsilon. This tolerance-enforcement feature allows us to easily combine our algorithm with Multilevel Monte Carlo for efficient estimation of expectations, and adding as a benefit a straightforward analysis of rates of convergence. This is joint with Jose Blanchet, Fei He and Offer Kella.

Mon, 26 Feb 2018

15:45 - 16:45

A Support Theorem for Singular Stochastic PDEs

(Imperial College London)

We present a support theorem for subcritical parabolic stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) driven by Gaussian noises. In the spirit of the classical theorem by Stroock and Varadhan for ordinary stochastic differential equations, we identify the support of the solution to singular SPDEs with the closure of the union of the support of solutions to approximate and renormalized equations. We implement our approach in the setting of regularity structures and obtain a general result covering a range of singular SPDEs (including $\Phi^4_3$, $\Phi^d_2$, KPZ, PAM (2D+3D), SHE, ...). As a Corollary to our result we obtain the uniqueness of invariant measures for various interesting SPDEs. This is a joint work with Martin Hairer.

Mon, 26 Feb 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Numerically Modelling Stochastic Lie Transport in Fluid Dynamics

(Imperial College London)

We present a numerical investigation of stochastic transport for the damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. According to Holm (Proc Roy Soc, 2015) and Cotter et al. (2017), the principles of transformation theory and multi-time homogenisation, respectively, imply a physically meaningful, data-driven approach for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, for a certain class of fluid flows. We develop a new methodology to implement this velocity decomposition and then numerically integrate the resulting stochastic partial differential equation using a finite element discretisation. We show our numerical method is consistent.
Numerically, we perform the following analyses on this velocity decomposition. We first perform uncertainty quantification tests on the Lagrangian trajectories by comparing an ensemble of realisations of Lagrangian trajectories driven by the stochastic differential equation, and the Lagrangian trajectory driven by the ordinary differential equation. We then perform uncertainty quantification tests on the resulting stochastic partial differential equation by comparing the coarse-grid realisations of solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation with the ``true solutions'' of the deterministic fluid partial differential equation, computed on a refined grid. In these experiments, we also investigate the effect of varying the ensemble size and the number of prescribed stochastic terms. Further experiments are done to show the uncertainty quantification results "converge" to the truth, as the spatial resolution of the coarse grid is refined, implying our methodology is consistent. The uncertainty quantification tests are supplemented by analysing the L2 distance between the SPDE solution ensemble and the PDE solution. Statistical tests are also done on the distribution of the solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation. The numerical results confirm the suitability of the new methodology for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, in the case of damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. This is the first step of a larger data assimilation project which we are embarking on. This is joint work with Colin Cotter, Dan Crisan, Darryl Holm and Igor Shevchenko.


Mon, 19 Feb 2018

15:45 - 16:45

Testing and describing laws of stochastic processes

(University of Oxford)

I will talk about recent work that uses recent ideas from stochastic analysis to develop robust and non-parametric statistical tests for stochastic processes. 


Mon, 19 Feb 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Moment bounds on the solutions to some stochastic equations.

(University of Strathclyde)

In this talk, we will show how sharp bounds on the moments of the solutions to some stochastic heat equations can lead to various qualitative properties of the solutions. A major part of the method consists of approximating the solution by “independent quantities”. These quantities together with the moments bounds give us sharp almost sure properties of the solution.

Mon, 12 Feb 2018

15:45 - 16:45

Universality phenomena for random nodal domains.

(Rennes 1 Universite)

The study of the Geometry of random nodal domains has attracted a lot of attention in the recent past, in particular due to their connection with famous conjectures such as Yau's conjecture on the nodal volume of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on compact manifolds, and Berry's conjecture on the relation between the geometry of the nodal sets associated to these eigenfunctions and the geometry of the nodal sets associated to toric random waves.

At first, the randomness involved in the definition of random nodal domains is often chosen of Gaussian nature. This allows in particular the use of explicit techniques, such as Kac--Rice formula, to derive the asymptotics of many observables of interest (nodal volume, number of connected components, Leray's measure etc.). In this talk, we will raise the question of the universality of these asymptotics, which consists in deciding if the asymptotic properties of random nodal domains do or do not depend on the particular nature of the randomness involved. Among other results, we will establish the local and global universality of the asymptotic volume associated to the set of real zeros of random trigonometric polynomials with high degree.


Mon, 12 Feb 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Regularization by noise and path-by-path uniqueness for SDEs and SPDEs.

(Technion Israel)

(Joint work with Siva Athreya & Leonid Mytnik).

It is well known from the literature that ordinary differential equations (ODEs) regularize in the presence of noise. Even if an ODE is “very bad” and has no solutions (or has multiple solutions), then the addition of a random noise leads almost surely to a “nice” ODE with a unique solution. The first part of the talk will be devoted to SDEs with distributional drift driven by alpha-stable noise. These equations are not well-posed in the classical sense. We define a natural notion of a solution to this equation and show its existence and uniqueness whenever the drift belongs to a certain negative Besov space. This generalizes results of E. Priola (2012) and extends to the context of stable processes the classical results of A. Zvonkin (1974) as well as the more recent results of R. Bass and Z.-Q. Chen (2001).

In the second part of the talk we investigate the same phenomenon for a 1D heat equation with an irregular drift. We prove existence and uniqueness of the flow of solutions and, as a byproduct of our proof, we also establish path-by-path uniqueness. This extends recent results of A. Davie (2007) to the context of stochastic partial differential equations.

[1] O. Butkovsky, L. Mytnik (2016). Regularization by noise and flows of solutions for a stochastic heat equation. arXiv 1610.02553. To appear in Annal. Probab.

[2] S. Athreya, O. Butkovsky, L. Mytnik (2018). Strong existence and uniqueness for stable stochastic differential equations with distributional drift. arXiv 1801.03473.

Mon, 05 Feb 2018

15:45 - 16:45

Incorporating Brownian bridge time integrals into numerical methods for SDEs

(University of Oxford)

Numerical methods for SDEs typically use only the discretized increments of the driving Brownian motion. As one would expect, this approach is sensible and very well studied.

In addition to generating increments, it is also straightforward to generate time integrals of Brownian motion. These quantities give extra information about the Brownian path and are known to improve the strong convergence of methods for one-dimensional SDEs. Despite this, numerical methods that use time integrals alongside increments have received less attention in the literature.

In this talk, we will develop some underlying theory for these time integrals and introduce a new numerical approach to SDEs that does not require evaluating vector field derivatives. We shall also discuss the possible implications of this work for multi-dimensional SDEs.


Mon, 05 Feb 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Rough convolution equations and related SDEs

(University of Oxford)

Based on the notion of paracontrolled distributions, existence and uniqueness results are presented for rough convolution equations. In particular, this wide class of equations includes rough differential equations with possible delay, stochastic Volterra equations, and moving average equations driven by Lévy processes. The talk is based on a joint work with Mathias Trabs.


Mon, 29 Jan 2018

15:45 - 16:45

The critical threshold for Bargmann-Fock percolation

(Universite Lyon 1)

Let f be the planar Bargmann-Fock field, i.e. the analytic Gaussian field with covariance kernel exp(-|x-y|^2/2). We compute the critical point for the percolation model induced by the level sets of f. More precisely, we prove that there exists a.s. an unbounded component in {f>p} if and only if p<0. Such a percolation model has been studied recently by Beffara-Gayet and Beliaev-Muirhead. One important aspect of our work is a derivation of a (KKL-type) sharp threshold result for correlated Gaussian variables. The idea to use a KKL-type result to compute a critical point goes back to Bollobás-Riordan. This is joint work with Alejandro Rivera.


Mon, 29 Jan 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Marsden's Laplacian for Navier-Stokes equations on manifolds.

(Universite Bourgogne)

We shall explain, from variational point of view, why the  Laplaciian operator introduced by Ebin-Marsden using deformations is suitable to describe the fluid motion in a milieu with viscosity.

Mon, 22 Jan 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Smooth Gaussian fields and critical percolation

(University of Oxford)

Smooth Gaussian functions appear naturally in many areas of mathematics. Most of the talk will be about two special cases: the random plane model and the Bargmann-Fock ensemble. Random plane wave are conjectured to be a universal model for high-energy eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator in a generic domain. The Bargmann-Fock ensemble appears in quantum mechanics and is the scaling limit of the Kostlan ensemble, which is a good model for a `typical' projective variety. It is believed that these models, despite very different origins have something in common: they have scaling limits that are described be the critical percolation model. This ties together ideas and methods from many different areas of mathematics: probability, analysis on manifolds, partial differential equation, projective geometry, number theory and mathematical physics. In the talk I will introduce all these models, explain the conjectures relating them, and will talk about recent progress in understanding these conjectures.

Mon, 15 Jan 2018

15:45 - 16:45

SDEs, BSDEs and PDEs with distributional coefficients

(Leeds University)

In this talk I will present three families of differential equations (SDEs, BSDEs and PDEs) and their links to each other. The novel fact is that some of the coefficients are generalised functions living in a fractional Sobolev space of negative order. I will discuss the appropriate notion of solution for each type of equation and show existence and uniqueness results. To do so, I will use tools from analysis like semigroup theory, pointwise products, theory of function spaces, as well as classical tools from probability and stochastic analysis. The link between these equations will play a fundamental role, in particular the results on the PDE are used to give a meaning and solve both the forward and the backward stochastic differential equations.  

Mon, 15 Jan 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Iterated Integrals of stochastic processes

(University of Reading)

Stochastic differential equations have Taylor expansions in terms of iterated Wiener integrals. The convergence of such expansion depends on the limiting behavior of the order-N iterated integrals as N tends to infinity. Recently, there has been increased interests in processes stopped at a random time. A breakthrough in the study of the iterated integrals of Brownian motion up to the exit time of a domain was included in the work of Lyons-Ni (2012). The paper leaves open an interesting question: what is the sharp rate of decay for the expected iterated integrals up to the exit time. We will review the state of the art in this problem and report some recent progress. Joint work with Ni Hao (UCL).


Mon, 27 Nov 2017

15:45 - 16:45

Invariance principle for non-homogeneous random walks with anomalous recurrence properties

(King's College London)

Abstract: In this talk we describe an invariance principle for a class of non-homogeneous martingale random walks in $\RR^d$ that can be recurrent or transient for any dimension $d$. The scaling limit, which we construct, is a martingale diffusions with law determined uniquely by an SDE with discontinuous coefficients at the origin whose pathwise uniqueness may fail. The radial component of the diffusion is a Bessel process of dimension greater than 1. We characterize the law of the diffusion, which must start at the origin, via its excursions built around the Bessel process: each excursion has a generalized skew-product-type structure, in which the angular component spins at infinite speed at the start and finish of each excursion. Defining a Riemannian metric $g$ on the sphere $S^{d−1}$, different from the one induced by the ambient Euclidean space, allows us to give an explicit construction of the angular component (and hence of the entire skew-product decomposition) as a time-changed Browninan motion with drift on the Riemannian manifold $(S^{d−1}, g)$. In particular, this provides a multidimensional generalisation of the Pitman–Yor representation of the excursions of Bessel process with dimension between one and two. Furthermore, the density of the stationary law of the angular component with respect to the volume element of $g$ can be characterised by a linear PDE involving the Laplace–Beltrami operator and the divergence under the metric $g$. This is joint work with Nicholas Georgiou and Andrew Wade.

Mon, 27 Nov 2017

14:15 - 15:15

A Hopf-Lax splitting approximation for quasilinear parabolic PDEs with convex and quadratic growth gradients

(University of Warwick)

We propose a new splitting algorithm to solve a class of quasilinear PDEs with convex and quadratic growth gradients. 

By splitting the original equation into a linear parabolic equation and a Hamilton-Jacobi equation, we are able to solve both equations explicitly. 

In particular, we solve the associated Hamilton-Jacobi equation by the Hopf-Lax formula, 

and interpret the splitting algorithm as a stochastic Hopf-Lax approximation of the quasilinear PDE.  

We show that the numerical solution will converge to the viscosity solution of the equation.  

The upper bound of the convergence rate is proved based on Krylov's shaking coefficients technique, 

while the lower bound is proved based on Barles-Jakobsen's optimal switching approximation technique. 

Based on joint work with Shuo Huang and Thaleia Zariphopoulou.


Mon, 20 Nov 2017

15:45 - 16:45

Detecting early signs of depressive and manic episodes in patients with bipolar disorder using the signature-based model

(University of Oxford)

Recurrent major mood episodes and subsyndromal mood instability cause substantial disability in patients with bipolar disorder. Early identification of mood episodes enabling timely mood stabilisation is an important clinical goal. The signature method is derived from stochastic analysis (rough paths theory) and has the ability to capture important properties of complex ordered time series data. To explore whether the onset of episodes of mania and depression can be identified using self-reported mood data.

Mon, 20 Nov 2017

14:15 - 15:15

SLE and Rough Paths Theory

(University of Oxford)

In this talk, I am going to report on some on-going research at the interface between Rough Paths Theory and Schramm-Loewner evolutions (SLE). In this project, we try to adapt techniques from Rough Differential Equations to the study of the Loewner Differential Equation. The main ideas concern the restart of the backward Loewner differential equation from the singularity in the upper half plane. I am going to describe some general tools that we developed in the last months that lead to a better understanding of the dynamics in the closed upper half plane under the backward Loewner flow.
Joint work with Prof. Dmitry Belyaev and Prof. Terry Lyons

Mon, 13 Nov 2017

15:45 - 16:45

Lie-Butcher series and rough paths on homogeneous manifolds I+II

(NTNU Trondheim)

Abstract: Butcher’s B-series is a fundamental tool in analysis of numerical integration of differential equations. In the recent years algebraic and geometric understanding of B-series has developed dramatically. The interplay between geometry, algebra and computations reveals new mathematical landscapes with remarkable properties. 

The shuffle Hopf algebra,  which is fundamental in Lyons’s groundbreaking work on rough paths,  is based on Lie algebras without additional properties.  Pre-Lie algebras and the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra are providing algebraic descriptions of the geometry of Euclidean spaces. This is the foundation of B-series and was used elegantly in Gubinelli’s theory of Branched Rough Paths. 
Lie-Butcher theory combines Lie series with B-series in a unified algebraic structure based on post-Lie algebras and the MKW Hopf algebra, which is giving algebraic abstractions capturing the fundamental geometrical properties of Lie groups, homogeneous spaces and Klein geometries. 

In these talks we will give an introduction to these new algebraic structures. Building upon the works of Lyons, Gubinelli and Hairer-Kelly, we will present a new theory for rough paths on homogeneous spaces built upon the MKW Hopf algebra.

Joint work with: Charles Curry and Dominique Manchon