Mon, 19 Jan 2004
DH 3rd floor SR

Front Fluctuations for the one dimensional Stochastic Cahn Hilliard Equation

Stella Brassesco

We consider the Cahn Hilliard Equation in the line, perturbed by

the space derivative of a space--time white noise. We study the

solution of the equation when the initial condition is the

interface, in the limit as the intensity of the noise goes to zero

and the time goes to infinity conveniently, and show that in a scale

that is still infinitesimal, the solution remains close to the

interface, and the fluctuations are described by a non Markovian

self similar Gaussian process whose covariance is computed.

Mon, 19 Jan 2004
DH 3rd floor SR

Rough Paths and applications to support theorems

Terry Lyons

After a brief introduction to the basics of Rough Paths I'll

explain recent work by Peter Friz, Dan Stroock and myself proving that a

Brownian path conditioned to be uniformly close to a given smooth path

converges in distribution to that path in the Rough Path metric. The Stroock

Varadhan support theorem is an immediate consequence.

The novel part of the argument is to

obtain the estimate in a way that is independent of the particular norm used

in the Euclidean space when one defines the uniform norm on path space.

Thu, 04 Dec 2003


Anne Green
Thu, 04 Dec 2003

14:00 - 15:00

Recent developments in numerical simulation of failure in metals subjected to impact loading

Dr Nik Petrinic
(University of Oxford)

The seminar will address issues related to numerical simulation

of non-linear behaviour of solid materials to impact loading.

The kinematic and constitutive aspects of the transition from

continuum to discontinuum will be presented as utilised

within an explicit finite element development framework.

Material softening, mesh sensitivity and regularisation of

solutions will be discussed.

Wed, 03 Dec 2003
Imperial College

Special Holonomy Manifolds and Quartic String Corrections

Kellogg Stelle

At the leading order, the low-energy effective field equations in string

theory admit solutions of the form of products of Minkowski spacetime and a

Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau space. The equations of motion receive corrections at

higher orders in \alpha', which imply that the Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau space is

modified. In an appropriate choice of scheme, the Calabi-Yau space remains

Kahler, but is no longer Ricci-flat. We discuss the nature of these

corrections at order {\alpha'}^3, and consider the deformations of all the

known cohomogeneity one non-compact Kahler metrics in six and eight

dimensions. We do this by deriving the first-order equations associated with

the modified Killing-spinor conditions, and we thereby obtain the modified

supersymmetric solutions. We also give a detailed discussion of the boundary

terms for the Euler complex in six and eight dimensions, and apply the

results to all the cohomogeneity one examples. Additional material will be

presented concerning the case of holonomy G_2.