Reminder: The website is not suitable for sharing Confidential (sensitive) files. Please read the section on Access Control, below, before uploading files to non-public pages.

Uploading Files as Inline Links

To upload a file and link to it directly in the content editor ("Body" field):

  1. Type the link text, then select it (optional - it will default to the filename)
  2. Click the "Insert file" icon in the editor toolbar
  3. Click "Browse"
  4. Navigate to the file and open it
  5. Click "Save" to close the dialog

Example: Hello World.txt

While it is possible to copy & paste file links between pages, you are advised to re-upload each file to each page instead. This is because uploaded file permissions are inherited from the page they uploaded to - so if the original page is replaced or deleted in the future, the copy-pasted link will stop working. See below for more details.

Link Icons

If you want to apply a PDF icon to the link:

  1. Make sure the link is focused in the editor (it will have a light blue background)
  2. Click the "Styles" dropdown in the editor toolbar
  3. Click "Link: PDF Icon"

Example: PDF Test.pdf

If you would like any other file type icons to be added to the list, please contact IT support.

Uploading Files as Page Attachments

If you are creating a library of files, you can instead have them automatically listed at the end of the page:

  1. Below the content editor, find the "Files" section
  2. Under "Add a new file", click "Browse"
  3. Navigate to the file and open it
  4. Tick "Display"
  5. Optionally, drag and drop the files into the order you want them to be listed

See the end of this page for an example.

Unticking "Display" hides the file from the list, but does not stop people accessing it. This can be useful if you decide to move the link into the page body:

  1. Right-click the filename in the "Files" list
  2. Click "Copy Link"
  3. In the editor, click the "Link" icon in the toolbar
  4. Paste the URL (Ctrl+V, or right-click > Paste)
  5. Click "Save" (the tick icon)

If the attachments list is not displayed, check that the "Files" block is configured in the Layout tab (using the "Table of files" formatter).

You can also use the "Insert" buttons to insert a link to an attached file directly into the "Body" field.

Access Control

If access to the page is restricted using the "Access control" tab, permissions to download a file are automatically inherited from the page itself.

If access is restricted using the "Password protection" tab, the files are not restricted, so anyone will be able to download them. This is a limitation of the Password Protection module. DO NOT upload non-public files to password protected pages.

If the file contains confidential (sensitive) information, you should generally use another solution such as the shared drive, Nextcloud, SharePoint or OneDrive. Please contact IT support if you are unsure what to use.

Replacing Files

It is not possible to replace an existing file and keep the same filename. You will need to remove the existing link/file and then upload a new one, which will be given a different URL.

For this reason, we recommend that you do not share links directly to individual files - share the link to the page instead.

Deleting Files

If you remove all of the links to a file, or click the "Remove" button in the Files list, it will be made inaccessible. If anyone tries to access it, they will see an "Access Denied" page instead.

It is not possible to permanently delete a file - it will remain in the revision history and be accessible by other page/section editors. If you have accidentally uploaded confidential information, please contact IT support as soon as possible to have it removed.

Attachment Size
attachmenttest.txt25 bytes 25 bytes
PDF Test_0.pdf9.85 KB 9.85 KB
Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 18 Apr 2024 11:23.