Tue, 11 Nov 2014

14:00 - 14:30

Fast evaluation of the inverse Poisson CDF

Mike Giles
(University of Oxford)

One general approach to random number generation is to take a uniformly distributed (0,1) random variable and then invert the cumulative distribution function (CDF) to generate samples from another distribution.  This talk follows this approach, approximating the inverse CDF for the Poisson distribution in a way which is particularly efficient for vector execution on NVIDIA GPUs.

Thu, 23 Oct 2014

14:00 - 15:00

Towards the compatibility of Geometric Langlands with the extended Whittaker model

Dario Beraldo
(University of Oxford)

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group and $X$ a smooth complete curve, both defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Let $Bun_G$ denote the stack of $G$-bundles on $X$. In analogy with the classical theory of Whittaker coefficients for automorphic functions, we construct a “Fourier transform” functor, called $coeff_{G}$, from the DG category of D-modules on $Bun_G$ to a certain DG category $Wh(G, ext)$, called the extended Whittaker category. Combined with work in progress by other mathematicians and the speaker, this construction allows to formulate the compatibility of the Langlands duality functor  $$\mathbb{L}_G : \operatorname{IndCoh}_{N}(LocSys_{\check{G}} ) \to D(Bun_G)$$ with the Whittaker model. For $G = GL_n$ and $G = PGL_n$, we prove that $coeff_G$ is fully faithful. This result guarantees that, for those groups, $\mathbb{L}_G$ is unique (if it exists) and necessarily fully faithful.

Tue, 04 Nov 2014

14:00 - 14:30

Fast and backward stable computation of roots of polynomials

Jared Aurentz
(University of Oxford)

A stable algorithm to compute the roots of polynomials is presented. The roots are found by computing the eigenvalues of the associated companion matrix by Francis's implicitly-shifted $QR$ algorithm.  A companion matrix is an upper Hessenberg matrix that is unitary-plus-rank-one, that is, it is the sum of a unitary matrix and a rank-one matrix.  These properties are preserved by iterations of Francis's algorithm, and it is these properties that are exploited here. The matrix is represented as a product of $3n-1$ Givens rotators plus the rank-one part, so only $O(n)$ storage space is required.  In fact, the information about the rank-one part is also encoded in the rotators, so it is not necessary to store the rank-one part explicitly.  Francis's algorithm implemented on this representation requires only $O(n)$ flops per iteration and thus $O(n^{2})$ flops overall.  The algorithm is described, backward stability is proved under certain conditions on the polynomial coefficients, and an extensive set of numerical experiments is presented.  The algorithm is shown to be about as accurate as the (slow) Francis $QR$ algorithm applied to the companion matrix without exploiting the structure.  It is faster than other fast methods that have been proposed, and its accuracy is comparable or better.


Tue, 28 Oct 2014

14:00 - 14:30

The convergence of stationary iterations with indefinite splitting

Andy Wathen
(University of Oxford)

The relationship of diagonal dominance ideas to the convergence of stationary iterations is well known. There are a multitude of situations in which such considerations can be used to guarantee convergence when the splitting matrix (the preconditioner) is positive definite. In this talk we will describe and prove sufficient conditions for convergence of a stationary iteration based on a splitting with an indefinite preconditioner. Simple examples covered by this theory coming from Optimization and Economics will be described.

This is joint work with Michael Ferris and Tom Rutherford

Tue, 14 Oct 2014

14:00 - 14:30

X-ray imaging with emitter arrays

Raphael Hauser
(University of Oxford)

We investigate an X-ray imaging system that fires multiple point sources of radiation simultaneously from close proximity to a probe. Radiation traverses the probe in a non-parallel fashion, which makes it necessary to use tomosynthesis as a preliminary step to calculating a 2D shadowgraph. The system geometry requires imaging techniques that differ substantially from planar X-rays or CT tomography. We present a proof of concept of such an imaging system, along with relevant artefact removal techniques.  This work is joint with Kishan Patel.

Tue, 02 Dec 2014

14:30 - 15:30

Phase transitions in bootstrap percolation

Michal Przykucki
(University of Oxford)
We prove that there exist natural generalizations of the classical bootstrap percolation model on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ that have non-trivial critical probabilities, and moreover we characterize all homogeneous, local, monotone models with this property. Joint work with Paul Balister, Béla Bollobás and Paul Smith.
Tue, 04 Nov 2014

14:30 - 15:30

Colouring graphs without odd holes

Alex Scott
(University of Oxford)

Gyárfás conjectured in 1985 that if $G$ is a graph with no induced cycle of odd length at least 5, then the chromatic number of $G$ is bounded by a function of its clique number.  We prove this conjecture.  Joint work with Paul Seymour.

Tue, 17 Jun 2014

13:15 - 14:00

Community structure in temporal multilayer networks

Marya Bazzi
(University of Oxford)

Networks provide a convenient way to represent complex systems of interacting entities. Many networks contain "communities" of nodes that are more strongly connected to each other than to nodes in the rest of the network. Most methods for detecting communities are designed for static networks. However, in many applications, entities and/or interactions between entities evolve in time. To incorporate temporal variation into the detection of a network's community structure, two main approaches have been adopted. The first approach entails aggregating different snapshots of a network over time to form a static network and then using static techniques on the resulting network. The second approach entails using static techniques on a sequence of snapshots or aggregations over time, and then tracking the temporal evolution of communities across the sequence in some ad hoc manner. We represent a temporal network as a multilayer network (a sequence of coupled snapshots), and discuss  a method that can find communities that extend across time. 

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