Clustering market regimes using the Wasserstein distance
Horvath, B Issa, Z Muguruza, A (25 Oct 2021)
Porous medium equation and cross-diffusion systems as limit of nonlocal interaction
Burger, M Esposito, A Nonlinear Analysis volume 235 (16 Jul 2023)

The BBC Proms have recently started, nearly two months of music at the Royal Albert Hall in London, largely classical, but not exclusively. You can listen to it all on BBC Sounds.

Tonight's concert spotlights the Portuguese musical tradition of fado so here is Song of the Week's own piece of fado from one of the stars of the genre which can be traced back over two centuries (two centuries of melancholy and loss as is the fado tradition).

Lectures on Generalized Symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Fraser-Taliente, L Gladden, L Gould, D Platschorre, A Tillim, H (14 Jul 2023)
When removing an independent set is optimal for reducing the chromatic number
Cambie, S Haslegrave, J Kang, R European Journal of Combinatorics volume 115 (01 Aug 2023)
Bellomo, N Carrillo, J Tadmor, E Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology v-vi (01 Jan 2022)
Quantifying tissue growth, shape and collision via continuum models and Bayesian inference.
Falcó, C Cohen, D Carrillo, J Baker, R Journal of the Royal Society, Interface volume 20 issue 204 20230184-20230184 (19 Jul 2023)
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