Thu, 03 Nov 2022

Signatures and Functional Expansions

Bruno Dupire

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European option payoffs can be generated by combinations of hockeystick payoffs or of monomials. Interestingly, path dependent options can be generated by combinations of signatures, which are the building blocks of path dependence. We focus on the case of 1 asset together with time, typically the evolution of the price x as a function of the time t. The signature of a path for a given word with letters in the alphabet {t,x} (sometimes called augmented signature of dimension 1) is an iterated Stratonovich integral with respect to the letters of the word and it plays the role of a monomial in a Taylor expansion. For a given time horizon T the signature elements associated to short words are contained in the linear space generated by the signature elements associated to longer words and we construct an incremental basis of signature elements. It allows writing a smooth path dependent payoff as a converging series of signature elements, a result stronger than the density property of signature elements from the Stone-Weierstrass theorem. We recall the main concepts of the Functional Itô Calculus, a natural framework to model path dependence and draw links between two approximation results, the Taylor expansion and the Wiener chaos decomposition. The Taylor expansion is obtained by iterating the functional Stratonovich formula whilst the Wiener chaos decomposition is obtained by iterating the functional Itô formula applied to a conditional expectation. We also establish the pathwise Intrinsic Expansion and link it to the Functional Taylor Expansion.

Tue, 01 Nov 2022

14:00 - 15:00

HiGHS: From gradware to software and Impact

Dr Julian Hall
(University of Edinburgh)

HiGHS is open-source optimization software for linear programming, mixed-integer programming, and quadratic programming. Created initially from research solvers written by Edinburgh PhD students, HiGHS attracted industrial funding that allowed further development, and saw it contribute to a REF 2021 Impact Case Study. Having been identified as a game-changer by the open-source energy systems planning community, the resulting crowdfunding campaign has received large donations that will allow the HiGHS project to expand and create further Impact.

This talk will give an insight into the state-of-the-art techniques underlying the linear programming solvers in HiGHS, with a particular focus on the challenge of solving sequences of linear systems of equations with remarkable properties. The means by which "gradware" created by PhD students has been transformed into software, generating income and Impact, will also be described. Independent benchmark results will be given to demonstrate that HiGHS is the world’s best open-source linear optimization software.


Contrasting aims and approaches in the study of ancient Egyptian mathematics in the 1920s
Hollings, C Parkinson, R Revue d'Histoire des Mathematiques volume 28 issue 2 183-286 (01 Nov 2022)

The OxWEST mentoring scheme is now open to students who identify as women or non-binary who are studying a STEM-related subject at the University of Oxford. Usually, mentees seek advice on matters regarding future careers and applications for internships, postgraduate studies and/or jobs. However, the exact direction of the discussion is up to the mentor-mentee pair, as is the time commitment to the scheme.

The forward physics facility at the high-luminosity LHC
Barr, A Harland-Lang, L Sarkar, S Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics volume 50 issue 3 (20 Jan 2023)

Serge is probably best known outside France for 'Je t'aime', but he was responsible for many other and better works across various media including film and prose and especially via 16 albums.

This track is from 1968. It is based on an English language poem written by 'Bonnie' Parker, one half of the 1930s outlaw couple after whom the song is named. Brigitte shares the vocals with Serge.

Training variational quantum circuits with CoVaR: covariance root finding with classical shadows
Boyd, G Koczor, B Physical Review X volume 12 (28 Nov 2022)
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