Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 08 Feb 2021

16:00 - 17:00

Symmetry and uniqueness via a variational approach

Yao Yao
(Giorgia Tech)

For some nonlocal PDEs, its steady states can be seen as critical points of an associated energy functional. Therefore, if one can construct perturbations around a function such that the energy decreases to first order along the perturbation, this function cannot be a steady state. In this talk, I will discuss how this simple variational approach has led to some recent progresses in the following equations, where the key is to carefully construct a suitable perturbation.

I will start with the aggregation-diffusion equation, which is a nonlocal PDE driven by two competing effects: nonlinear diffusion and long-range attraction. We show that all steady states are radially symmetric up to a translation (joint with Carrillo, Hittmeir and Volzone), and give some criteria on the uniqueness/non-uniqueness of steady states within the radial class (joint with Delgadino and Yan).

I will also discuss the 2D Euler equation, where we aim to understand under what condition must a stationary/uniformly-rotating solution be radially symmetric. Using a variational approach, we settle some open questions on the radial symmetry of rotating patches, and also show that any smooth stationary solution with compactly supported and nonnegative vorticity must be radial (joint with Gómez-Serrano, Park and Shi).

Mon, 30 Nov 2020

16:00 - 17:00

A Riemannian Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequality

Luca Spolaor
(UC San Diego)

 In this talk I will discuss possible extensions of the euclidean quantitative isoperimetric inequality to compact Riemannian manifolds. 
This is joint work with O. Chodosh (Stanford) and M. Engelstein (University of Minnesota).

Mon, 16 Nov 2020

16:00 - 17:00

The mean-field limit for large stochastic systems with singular attractive interactions

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
(Penn State University)

We propose a modulated free energy which combines of the method previously developed by the speaker together with the modulated energy introduced by S. Serfaty. This modulated free energy may be understood as introducing appropriate weights in the relative entropy  to cancel the more singular terms involving the divergence of the flow. This modulated free energy allows to treat singular interactions of gradient-flow type and allows potentials with large smooth part, small attractive singular part and large repulsive singular part. As an example, a full rigorous derivation (with quantitative estimates) of some chemotaxis models, such as Patlak-Keller-Segel system in the subcritical regimes, is obtained.

Mon, 09 Nov 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Regularity of minimal surfaces near quadratic cones

Nicholas Edelen
(University of Notre Dame)

Hardt-Simon proved that every area-minimizing hypercone $C$ having only an isolated singularity fits into a foliation of $R^{n+1}$ by smooth, area-minimizing hypersurfaces asymptotic to $C$. We prove that if a minimal hypersurface $M$ in the unit ball $B_1 \subset R^{n+1}$ lies sufficiently close to a minimizing quadratic cone (for example, the Simons' cone), then $M \cap B_{1/2}$ is a $C^{1,\alpha}$ perturbation of either the cone itself, or some leaf of its associated foliation. In particular, we show that singularities modeled on these cones determine the local structure not only of $M$, but of any nearby minimal surface. Our result also implies the Bernstein-type result of Simon-Solomon, which characterizes area-minimizing hypersurfaces in $R^{n+1}$ asymptotic to a quadratic cone as either the cone itself, or some leaf of the foliation.  This is joint work with Luca Spolaor.

Mon, 26 Oct 2020

16:00 - 17:00

The initial boundary value problem for the Einstein equations with totally geodesic timelike boundary

Grigorios Fournodavlos
(Sorbonne Université)

Unlike the classical Cauchy problem in general relativity, which has been well-understood since the pioneering work of Y. Choquet-Bruhat (1952), the initial boundary value problem for the Einstein equations still lacks a comprehensive treatment. In particular, there is no geometric description of the boundary data yet known, which makes the problem well-posed for general timelike boundaries. Various gauge-dependent results have been established. Timelike boundaries naturally arise in the study of massive bodies, numerics, AdS spacetimes. I will give an overview of the problem and then present recent joint work with Jacques Smulevici that treates the special case of a totally geodesic boundary.

Mon, 12 Oct 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Hypoelliptic regularity methods for the estimation Lyapunov exponents and other long-time dynamical properties of stochastic differential equations

Jacob Bedrossian
(University of Maryland)

In the talk, we will discuss the connection between quantitative hypoelliptic PDE methods and the long-time dynamics of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In a recent joint work with Alex Blumenthal and Sam Punshon-Smith, we put forward a new method for obtaining quantitative lower bounds on the top Lyapunov exponent of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Our method combines (i) an (apparently new) identity connecting the top Lyapunov exponent to a degenerate Fisher information-like functional of the stationary density of the Markov process tracking tangent directions with (ii) a  quantitative version of Hörmander's hypoelliptic regularity theory in an L1 framework which estimates this (degenerate) Fisher information from below by a W^{s,1} Sobolev norm using the associated Kolmogorov equation for the stationary density. As an initial application, we prove the positivity of the top Lyapunov exponent for a class of weakly-dissipative, weakly forced SDE and we prove that this class includes the classical Lorenz 96 model in any dimension greater than 6, provided the additive stochastic driving is applied to any consecutive pair of modes. This is the first mathematically rigorous proof of chaos (in the sense of positive Lyapunov exponents) for Lorenz 96 and, more recently, for finite dimensional truncations of the shell models GOY and SABRA (stochastically driven or otherwise), despite the overwhelming numerical evidence. If time permits, I will also discuss joint work with Kyle Liss, in which we obtain sharp, quantitative estimates on the spectral gap of the Markov semigroups. In both of these works, obtaining various kinds of quantitative hypoelliptic regularity estimates that are uniform in certain parameters plays a pivotal role.  

Mon, 08 Jun 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Kinetic transport in the Lorentz gas: classical and quantum

Jens Marklof
(Bristol University)

In the first part of this lecture, I will discuss the proof of convergence of the Lorentz process, in the Boltzmann-Grad limit, to a random process governed by a generalised linear Boltzmann equation. This will hold for general scatterer configurations, including certain types of quasicrystals, and include the previously known cases of periodic and Poisson random scatterer configurations. The second part of the lecture will focus on quantum transport in the periodic Lorentz gas in a combined short-wavelength/Boltzmann-Grad limit, and I will report on some partial progress in this challenging problem. Based on joint work with Andreas Strombergsson (part I) and Jory Griffin (part II).

Mon, 11 May 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Lie brackets for non-smooth vector fields

Franco Rampazzo
(University of Padova)

For a given vector field $h$ on a manifold $M$ and an initial point $x \in M$, let $t \mapsto \exp th(x)$ denote the solution to the Cauchy problem $y' = h(y)$, $y(0) = x$. Given two vector fields $f$, $g$, the flows $\exp(tf)$, $\exp(tg)$ in general are not commutative. That is, it may happen that, for some initial point $x$,

$$\exp(-tg) \circ \exp(-tf) \circ \exp(tg) \circ \exp(tf) (x) ≠ x,$$

for small times $t ≠ 0$.

         As is well-known, the Lie bracket $[f,g] := Dg \cdot f - Df \cdot g$ measures the local non-commutativity of the flows. Indeed, one has (on any coordinate chart)

$$\exp(-tg) \circ \exp(-tf) \circ \exp(tg) \circ \exp(tf) (x) - x = t^2 [f,g](x) + o(t^2)$$

         The non-commutativity of vector fields lies at the basis of many nonlinear issues, like propagation of maxima for solutions of degenerate elliptic PDEs, controllability sufficient conditions in Nonlinear Control Theory, and higher order necessary conditions for optimal controls. The fundamental results concerning commutativity (e.g. Rashevski-Chow's Theorem, also known as Hörmander's full rank condition, or Frobenius Theorem) assume that the vector fields are smooth enough for the involved iterated Lie brackets to be well defined and continuous: for instance, if the bracket $[f,[g,h]]$ is to be used, one posits $g,h \in C^2$ and $f \in C^{1..}$.

         We propose a notion of (set-valued) Lie bracket (see [1]-[3]), through which we are able to extend some of the mentioned fundamental results to families of vector fields whose iterated brackets are just measurable and defined almost everywhere.



[1]  Rampazzo, F. and Sussmann, H., Set-valued differentials and a nonsmooth version of Chow’s Theorem (2001), Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, Florida, 2001 (IEEE Publications, New York), pp. 2613-2618.

[2] Rampazzo F.  and Sussmann, H.J., Commutators of flow maps of nonsmooth vector fields (2007), Journal of Differential Equations, 232, pp. 134-175.

[3] Feleqi, E. and Rampazzo, F., Iterated Lie brackets for nonsmooth vector fields (2017), Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA, 24-6.


Mon, 09 Mar 2020

A Minkowski problem and the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for nonlinear capacity

Murat Akman
(University of Essex)

The classical Minkowski problem consists in finding a convex polyhedron from data consisting of normals to their faces and their surface areas. In the smooth case, the corresponding problem for convex bodies is to find the convex body given the Gauss curvature of its boundary, as a function of the unit normal. The proof consists of three parts: existence, uniqueness and regularity. 


In this talk, we study a Minkowski problem for certain measure, called p-capacitary surface area measure, associated to a compact convex set $E$ with nonempty interior and its $p-$harmonic capacitary function (solution to the p-Laplace equation in the complement of $E$).  If $\mu_p$ denotes this measure, then the Minkowski problem we consider in this setting is that; for a given finite Borel positive measure $\mu$ on $\mathbb{S}^{n-1}$, find necessary and sufficient conditions for which there exists a convex body $E$ with $\mu_p =\mu$. We will discuss the existence, uniqueness, and regularity of this problem which have deep connections with the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for p-capacity and Monge-Amp{\`e}re equation.


Mon, 02 Mar 2020

Improved convergence of low entropy Allen-Cahn flows to mean curvature flow and curvature estimates

Shengwen Wang
(Queen Mary University London)

The parabolic Allen-Cahn equations is the gradient flow of phase transition energy and can be viewed as a diffused version of mean curvature flows of hypersurfaces. It has been known by the works of Ilmanen and Tonegawa that the energy densities of the Allen-Cahn flows converges to mean curvature flows in the sense of varifold and the limit varifold is integer rectifiable. It is not known in general whether the transition layers have higher regularity of convergence yet. In this talk, I will report on a joint work with Huy Nguyen that under the low entropy condition, the convergence of transition layers can be upgraded to C^{2,\alpha} sense. This is motivated by the work of Wang-Wei and Chodosh-Mantoulidis in elliptic case that under the condition of stability, one can upgrade the regularity of convergence.

Mon, 24 Feb 2020

16:00 - 17:00

$\Gamma$- convergence and homogenisation for a class of degenerate functionals

Federica Dragoni
(Cardiff University)

I will present a $\Gamma$-convergence for degenerate integral functionals related to homogenisation problems  in the Heisenberg group. In our  case, both the rescaling and the notion of invariance or periodicity are chosen in a way motivated by the geometry of the Heisenberg group. Without using special geometric features, these functionals would be neither coercive nor periodic, so classic results do not apply.  All the results apply to the more general case of Carnot groups. Joint with Nicolas Dirr, Paola Mannucci and Claudio Marchi.

Mon, 17 Feb 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Rough solutions of the $3$-D compressible Euler equations

Qian Wang

I will talk about my work arxiv:1911.05038. We prove the local-in-time well-posedness for the solution of the compressible Euler equations in $3$-D, for the Cauchy data of the velocity, density and vorticity $(v,\varrho, \omega) \in H^s\times H^s\times H^{s'}$, $2<s'<s$. The result extends the sharp result of Smith-Tataru and Wang, established in the irrotational case, i.e $ \omega=0$, which is known to be optimal for $s>2$. At the opposite extreme, in the incompressible case, i.e. with a constant density, the result is known to hold for $ \omega\in H^s$, $s>3/2$ and fails for $s\le 3/2$, see the work of Bourgain-Li. It is thus natural to conjecture that the optimal result should be $(v,\varrho, \omega) \in H^s\times H^s\times H^{s'}$, $s>2, \, s'>\frac{3}{2}$. We view our work here as an important step in proving the conjecture. The main difficulty in establishing sharp well-posedness results for general compressible Euler flow is due to the highly nontrivial interaction between the sound waves, governed by quasilinear wave equations, and vorticity which is transported by the flow. To overcome this difficulty, we separate the dispersive part of sound wave from the transported part, and gain regularity significantly by exploiting the nonlinear structure of the system and the geometric structures of the acoustic spacetime.

Mon, 10 Feb 2020

The $L^1$ semi-group of the multi-dimensional Burgers equation

Denis Serre
(École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

The Kruzkhov's semi-group of a scalar conservation law extends as a semi-group over $L^1$, thanks to its contraction property. M. Crandall raised in 1972 the question of whether its trajectories can be distributional, entropy solutions, or if they are only "abstract" solutions. We solve this question in the case of the multi-dimensional Burgers equation, which is a paradigm for non-degenerate conservation laws. Our answer is the consequence of dispersive estimates. We first establish $L^p$-decay rate by applying the recently discovered phenomenon of Compensated Integrability. The $L^\infty$-decay follows from a De Giorgi-style argument. This is a collaboration with Luis Sivestre (University of Chicago).

Mon, 03 Feb 2020

Regularity and rigidity results for nonlocal minimal graphs

Matteo Cozzi
(University of Bath)

Nonlocal minimal surfaces are hypersurfaces of Euclidean space that minimize the fractional perimeter, a geometric functional introduced in 2010 by Caffarelli, Roquejoffre, and Savin in connection with phase transition problems displaying long-range interactions.

In this talk, I will introduce these objects, describe the most important progresses made so far in their analysis, and discuss the most challenging open questions.

I will then focus on the particular case of nonlocal minimal graphs and present some recent results obtained on their regularity and classification in collaboration with X. Cabre, A. Farina, and L. Lombardini.


Mon, 27 Jan 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Steklov eigenvalue problem on orbisurfaces

Asma Hassannezhad
(University of Bristol)

 The Steklov eigenvalue problem is an eigenvalue problem whose spectral parameters appear in the boundary condition. On a Riemannian surface with smooth boundary, Steklov eigenvalues have a very sharp asymptotic expansion. Also, a number of interesting sharp bounds for the $k$th Steklov eigenvalues have been known. We extend these results on orbisurfaces and discuss how the structure of orbifold singularities comes into play. This is joint work with Arias-Marco, Dryden, Gordon, Ray and Stanhope.

Mon, 20 Jan 2020

16:00 - 17:00

The Morse index of Willmore spheres and its relation to the geometry of minimal surfaces

Elena Maeder-Baumdicker
(TU Darmstadt)

I will explain what the Willmore Morse Index of unbranched Willmore spheres in Euclidean three-space is and how to compute it. It turns out that several geometric properties at the ends of complete minimal surfaces with embedded planar ends are related to the mentioned Morse index.
One consequence of that computation is that all unbranched Willmore spheres are unstable (except for the round sphere). This talk is based on work with Jonas Hirsch.


Mon, 02 Dec 2019

16:00 - 17:00

Dislocation patterns at zero and finite temperature in the Ariza-Ortiz model

Florian Theil

The AO-model describes crystalline solids in the presence of defects like dislocation lines. We demonstrate that the model supports low-energy structures like grains and determine for simple geometries the grain boundary energy density. At small misorientation angles we recover the well-known Read-Shockley law. Due to the atomistic nature of the model it is possible to consider the the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution at non-zero temperature. Using ideas by Froehlich and Spencer we prove rigorously the presence of long-range order if the temperature is sufficiently small.

Mon, 25 Nov 2019

16:00 - 17:00

Regularity of minimisers for a model of charged droplets

Jonas Hirsh
(Universität Leipzig)
Further Information

Note the change of room


We investigate properties of minimisers of a variational model describing the shape of charged liquid droplets. Roughly speaking, the shape of a charged liquid droplet is determined by the competition between an ”aggerating” term, due to surface tension forces, and to a ”disaggergating” term due to the repulsive effect between charged particles.

In my talk I want to present our ”first” analysis of the so called Deby-Hückel-type free energy. In particular we show that minimisers satisfy a partial regularity result, a first step of understanding the further properties of a minimiser. The presented results are joint work with Guido De Philippis and Giulia Vescovo.


Mon, 18 Nov 2019

16:00 - 17:00

Minimal surfaces, mean curvature flow and the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz

Jason Lotay

The Gibbons-Hawking ansatz is a powerful method for constructing a large family of hyperkaehler 4-manifolds (which are thus Ricci-flat), which appears in a variety of contexts in mathematics and theoretical physics. I will describe work in progress to understand the theory of minimal surfaces and mean curvature flow in these 4-manifolds. In particular, I will explain a proof of a version of the Thomas-Yau Conjecture in Lagrangian mean curvature flow in this setting. This is joint work with G. Oliveira.

Mon, 11 Nov 2019

16:00 - 17:00

On some computable quasiconvex multiwell functions

Kewei Zhang
(University of Nottingham)

The translation method for constructing quasiconvex lower bound of a given function in the calculus of variations and the notion of compensated convex transforms for tightly approximate functions in Euclidean spaces will be briefly reviewed. By applying the upper compensated convex transform to the finite maximum function we will construct computable quasiconvex functions with finitely many point wells contained in a subspace with rank-one matrices. The complexity for evaluating the constructed quasiconvex functions is O(k log k) with k the number of wells involved. If time allows, some new applications of compensated convexity will be briefly discussed.

Mon, 04 Nov 2019

16:00 - 17:00

An optimal transport formulation of the Einstein equations of general relativity

Andrea Mondino

In the seminar I will present a recent work joint with  S. Suhr (Bochum) giving an optimal transport formulation of the full Einstein equations of general relativity, linking the (Ricci) curvature of a space-time with the cosmological constant and the energy-momentum tensor. Such an optimal transport formulation is in terms of convexity/concavity properties of the Shannon-Bolzmann entropy along curves of probability measures extremizing suitable optimal transport costs. The result gives a new connection between general relativity and  optimal transport; moreover it gives a mathematical reinforcement of the strong link between general relativity and thermodynamics/information theory that emerged in the physics literature of the last years.

Mon, 21 Oct 2019

16:00 - 17:00

Quantitative geometric inequalities

Fabio Cavalletti

Localization technique permits to reduce full dimensional problems to possibly easier lower dimensional ones. During the last years a new approach to localization has been obtained using the powerful tools of optimal transport. Following this approach, we obtain quantitative versions of two relevant geometric inequalities  in comparison geometry as Levy-Gromov isoperimetric inequality (joint with F. Maggi and A. Mondino) and the spectral gap inequality (joint with A. Mondino and D. Semola). Both results are also valid in the more general setting of metric measure spaces verifying the so-called curvature dimension condition.