Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 11 May 2015

New G2 holonomy cones and exotic nearly Kähler structures on compact 6-manifolds

Mark Haskins
(Imperial College)

A long-standing problem in almost complex geometry has been the question of existence of (complete) inhomogeneous nearly Kahler 6-manifolds. One of the main motivations for this question comes from $G_2$ geometry: the Riemannian cone over a nearly Kahler 6-manifold is a singular space with holonomy $G_2$.

Viewing Euclidean 7-space as the cone over the round 6-sphere, the induced nearly Kahler structure is the standard $G_2$-invariant almost complex structure on the 6-sphere induced by octonionic multiplication. We resolve this problem by proving the existence of exotic (inhomogeneous) nearly Kahler metrics on the 6-sphere and also on the product of two 3-spheres. This is joint work with Lorenzo Foscolo, Stony Brook.

Mon, 27 Apr 2015

Non-perturbative symplectic manifolds and non-commutative algebras

Philip Boalch

From a geometric viewpoint the irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence can be viewed as a machine that takes as input a simple
`additive' symplectic/Poisson manifold and it outputs a more complicated `multiplicative' symplectic/Poisson manifold. In the
simplest nontrivial example it converts the linear Poisson manifold Lie(G)^* into the dual Poisson Lie group G^* (which is the Poisson
manifold underlying the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group). This talk will firstly describe some more recent (and more complicated) examples of
such `nonperturbative symplectic/Poisson manifolds', i.e. symplectic spaces of Stokes/monodromy data or `wild character varieties'. Then
the natural generalisations (`fission algebras') of the deformed multiplicative preprojective algebras that occur will be discussed, some
of which are known to be related to Cherednik algebras.

Mon, 09 Mar 2015

Groupoids, meromorphic connections and divergent series

Brent Pym

A meromorphic connection on a complex curve can be interpreted as a representation of a simple Lie algebroid.  By integrating this Lie algebroid to a Lie groupoid, one obtains a complex surface on which the parallel transport of the connection is globally well-defined and holomorphic, despite the apparent singularities of the corresponding differential equations.  I will describe these groupoids and explain how they can be used to illuminate various aspects of the classical theory of singular ODEs, such as the resummation of divergent series solutions.  (This talk is based on joint work with Marco Gualtieri and Songhao Li.)

Mon, 23 Feb 2015

Folded hyperkähler manifolds

Nigel Hitchin

The lecture will introduce the notion of a folded 4-dimensional hyperkähler manifold, give examples and prove a local existence theorem from boundary data using twistor methods, following an idea of Biquard.  

Mon, 09 Feb 2015

Automorphism and isometry groups of Higgs bundle moduli spaces

David Baraglia

The moduli space of Higgs bundles on a hyperbolic Riemann surface is a complex analytic variety which has a hyperkahler metric on its smooth locus. As such it has several associated symmetry groups including the group of complex analytic automorphisms and the group of isometries. I will discuss the classification of these and some other related groups.

Mon, 02 Feb 2015

Geometric structures, Gromov norm and Kodaira dimensions

Weiyi Zhang

Kodaira dimension provides a very successful classification scheme for complex manifolds. The notion was extended to symplectic 4-manifolds. In this talk, we will define the Kodaira dimension for 3-manifolds through Thurston’s eight geometries. This is compatible with other Kodaira dimensions in the sense of “additivity”. This idea could be extended to dimension 4. Finally, we will see how it is sitting in a potential classification of 4-manifolds by exploring its relations with various Kodaira dimensions and other invariants like Gromov norm.

Mon, 26 Jan 2015

Ends of the moduli space of Higgs bundles

Frederik Witt

Hitchin's existence theorem asserts that a stable Higgs bundle of rank two carries a unitary connection satisfying Hitchin's self-duality equation. In this talk we discuss a new proof, via gluing methods, for
elements in the ends of the Higgs bundle moduli space and identify a dense open subset of the boundary of the compactification of this moduli space.

Mon, 01 Dec 2014

An Abundance of K3 Fibrations and the Structure of the Landscape

Philip Candelas

Even a cursory inspection of the Hodge plot associated with Calabi-Yau threefolds that are hypersurfaces in toric varieties reveals striking structures. These patterns correspond to webs of elliptic K3 fibrations whose mirror images are also elliptic K3 fibrations. Such manifolds arise from reflexive polytopes that can be cut into two parts along slices corresponding to the K3 fibers. Any two half-polytopes over a given slice can be combined into a reflexive polytope. This fact, together with a remarkable relation on the additivity of Hodge numbers, explains much of the structure of the observed patterns.

Mon, 17 Nov 2014

The Horn inequalities and tropical analysis

Andras Szenes

 I will report on recent work on a tropical/symplectic approach to the Horn inequalities. These describe the possible spectra of Hermitian matrices which may be obtained as the sum of two Hermitian matrices with fixed spectra. This is joint work with Anton Alekseev and Maria Podkopaeva.

Mon, 10 Nov 2014

Tropical moment maps for toric log symplectic manifolds

Marco Gualtieri

I will describe a generalization of toric symplectic geometry to a new class of Poisson manifolds which are
symplectic away from a collection of hypersurfaces forming a normal crossing configuration.  Using a "tropical
moment map",  I will describe the classification of such manifolds in terms of decorated log affine polytopes,
in analogy with the Delzant classification of toric symplectic manifolds. 

Mon, 20 Oct 2014

14:15 - 16:30

Mirror symmetry for varieties of general type

Mark Gross
I will discuss joint work with Ludmil Katzarkov and Helge Ruddat. Given a hypersurface X in a toric variety of positive Kodaira dimension, (with a certain number of hypotheses) we construct an object which we believe can be viewed as the mirror of X. In particular, it exhibits the usual interchange of Hodge numbers expected in mirror symmetry. This may seem puzzling at first. For example, a curve of genus g would be expected to have a mirror such that h^{0,0}=g, which is not possible for a variety. However, our mirror is a singular scheme Y along with a perverse sheaf F, whose cohomology carries a mixed Hodge structure. It then makes sense to compute Hodge numbers for F, and we find the traditional exchange of Hodge numbers.
Mon, 19 May 2014

14:15 - 15:30

Variation of the moduli space of Gieseker stable sheaves via Quiver GIT

Julius Ross (Cambridge)

 I will discuss joint work with Daniel Greb and Matei Toma in which we introduce a notion of Gieseker-stability that depends on several polarisations.  We use this to study the change in the moduli space of Giesker semistable sheaves on manifolds giving new results in dimensions at least three, and to study the notion of Gieseker-semistability for sheaves taken with respect to an irrational Kahler class.

Mon, 05 May 2014

14:15 - 15:15

Quantum curves for Higgs bundles and quantum invariants

Motohico Mulase (UC Davis)

I will present a formula that relates a Higgs bundle on an algebraic curve and Gromov-Witten invariants. I will start with the simplest example, which is a rank 2 bundle over the projective line with a meromorphic Higgs field. The corresponding quantum curve is the Airy differential equation, and the Gromov-Witten invariants are the intersection numbers on the moduli space of pointed stable curves. The formula connecting them is exactly the path that Airy took, i.e., from wave mechanics to geometric optics, or what we call the WKB method, after the birth of quantum mechanics. In general, we start with a Higgs bundle. Then we apply a generalization of the topological recursion, originally found by physicists Eynard and Orantin in matrix models, to this context. In this way we construct a quantization of the spectral curve of the Higgs bundle. 

Mon, 28 Apr 2014

14:15 - 15:30

Homogeneous Monge-Ampere equations and canonical tubular neighbourhoods in K\"ahler geometry

David Witt Nystrom (Cambridge)

By solving the Homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation on the deformation to the normal cone of a complex submanifold of a Kahler manifold, we get a canonical tubular neighbourhood adapted to both the holomorphic and the symplectic structure. If time permits I will describe an application, namely an optimal regularity result for certain naturally defined plurisubharmonic envelopes.