Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 17 Mar 2014


Milena Pabiniak
Mon, 03 Mar 2014

The geometry of constant mean curvature disks embedded in R^3.

Giuseppe Tinaglia

In this talk I will discuss results on the geometry of constant mean curvature (H\neq 0) disks embedded in R^3. Among other

things I will prove radius and curvature estimates for such disks. It then follows from the radius estimate that the only complete, simply connected surface embedded in R^3 with constant mean curvature is the round sphere. This is joint work with Bill Meeks.

Mon, 17 Feb 2014

Higher dimensional monopoles

Goncalo Oliveira

The Monopole (Bogomolnyi) equations are Geometric PDEs in 3 dimensions. In this talk I shall introduce a generalization of the monopole equations to both Calabi Yau and G2 manifolds. I will motivate the possible relations of conjectural enumerative theories arising from "counting" monopoles and calibrated cycles of codimension 3. Then, I plan to state the existence of solutions and sketch how these examples are constructed.

Mon, 03 Feb 2014

The topology of toric origami manifolds

Tara Holm

A folded symplectic form on a manifold is a closed 2-form with the mildest possible degeneracy along a hypersurface. A special class of folded symplectic manifolds are the origami manifolds. In the classical case, toric symplectic manifolds can classified by their moment polytope, and their topology (equivariant cohomology) can be read directly from the polytope. In this talk we examine the toric origami case: we will recall how toric origami manifolds can also be classified by their combinatorial moment data, and present some theorems, almost-theorems, and conjectures about the topology of toric origami manifolds.

Mon, 27 Jan 2014

Quantum deformations of projective three-space

Brent Pym

Noncommutative projective geometry is the study of quantum versions of projective space and other projective varieties.  Starting with the celebrated work of Artin, Tate and Van den Bergh on noncommutative projective planes, a substantial theory of noncommutative curves and surfaces has been developed, but the classification of noncommutative versions of projective three-space remains unknown.  I will explain how a portion of this classification can be obtained, via deformation quantization, from a corresponding classification of holomorphic foliations due to Cerveau and Lins Neto.  In algebraic terms, the result is an explicit description of the deformations of the polynomial ring in four variables as a graded Calabi--Yau algebra.

Mon, 20 Jan 2014

New examples of non-Kahler Ricci solitons

Andrew Dancer

We produce new families of steady and expanding Ricci solitons
that are not of Kahler type. In the steady case, the asymptotics are
a mixture of the Hamilton cigar and the Bryant soliton paraboloid
asymptotics. We obtain some examples of Ricci solitons on homeomorphic
but non-diffeomorphic spaces. We also find numerical evidence of solitons
with more complicated topology.

Mon, 02 Dec 2013

Floer cohomology and Platonic solids

Yanki Lekili

We consider Fano threefolds on which SL(2,C) acts with a dense

open orbit. This is a finite list of threefolds whose classification

follows from the classical work of Mukai-Umemura and Nakano. Inside

these threefolds, there sits a Lagrangian space form given as an orbit

of SU(2). We prove this Lagrangian is non-displaceable by Hamiltonian

isotopies via computing its Floer cohomology over a field of non-zero

characteristic. The computation depends on certain counts of holomorphic

disks with boundary on the Lagrangian, which we explicitly identify.

This is joint work in progress with Jonny Evans.

Mon, 25 Nov 2013

Diffeomorphism Invariant Gauge Theories

Kirill Krasnov

I will define and describe in some details a large class of gauge theories in four dimensions. These theories admit a variational principle with the action a functional of only the gauge field. In particular, no metric appears in the Lagrangian or is used in the construction of the theory. The Euler-Lagrange equations are second order PDE's on the gauge field. When the gauge group is taken to be SO(3), a particular theory from this class can be seen to be (classically) equivalent to Einstein's General Relativity. All other points in the SO(3) theory space can be seen to describe "deformations" of General Relativity. These keep many of GR's properties intact, and may be important for quantum gravity. For larger gauge groups containing SO(3) as a subgroup, these theories can be seen to describe gravity plus Yang-Mills gauge fields, even though the associated geometry is much less understood in this case.

Mon, 04 Nov 2013

4D Einstein equations as a gauge theory

Joel Fine
(UL Brussels)

I will explain a new formulation of Einstein’s equations in 4-dimensions using the language of gauge theory. This was also discovered independently, and with advances, by Kirill Krasnov. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new point of view over the traditional "Einstein-Hilbert" description of Einstein manifolds. In particular, it leads to natural "sphere conjectures" and also suggests ways to find new Einstein 4-manifolds. I will describe some first steps in these directions. Time permitting, I will explain how this set-up can also be seen via 6-dimensional symplectic topology and the additional benefits that brings.

Mon, 10 Jun 2013


Mon, 27 May 2013

The Pressure metric for convex Anosov representations

Martin Bridgeman
(Boston College)

 Using thermodynamic formalism we introduce a notion of intersection for convex Anosov representations. We produce an Out-invariant Riemannian metric on the smooth points of the deformation  space of convex, irreducible representations of a word hyperbolic group G into SL(m,R) whose Zariski closure contains a generic element. In particular, we produce a mapping class group invariant Riemannian metric on Hitchin components which restricts to the Weil-Petersson metric on the Fuchsian locus. 
This is joint work with R. Canary, F. Labourie and A. Sambarino.
Mon, 20 May 2013

Four-manifolds, surgery and group actions

Ian Hambleton
(McMaster/MPIM Bonn)

The talk will survey some results about smooth and topological 4-manifolds obtained via surgery, and discuss some contrasting information provided by gauge theory about smooth finite group actions on 4-manifolds.