Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 26 Feb 2018

Heterotic Near-Horizon Geometries

Andrea Fontanella

The horizon conjecture, proved in a case by case basis, states that every supersymmetric smooth horizon admits an sl(2, R) symmetry algebra. However it is unclear how string corrections modify the statement. In this talk I will present the analysis of supersymmetric near-horizon geometries in heterotic supergravity up to two loop order in sigma model perturbation theory, and show the conditions for the horizon to admit an sl(2, R) symmetry algebra. In the second part of the talk, I shall consider the inverse problem of determining all extreme black hole solutions associated to a prescribed near-horizon geometry. I will expand the horizon fields in the radial co-ordinate, the so-called moduli, and show that the moduli must satisfy a system of elliptic PDEs, which implies that the moduli space is finite dimensional.

The talk is based on arXiv:1605.05635 [hep-th] and arXiv:1610.09949 [hep-th].

Mon, 19 Feb 2018

The decay width of stringy hadrons

Cobi Sonnenschein
(Tel Aviv)

I will start with briefly describing the HISH ( Holography Inspired Hadronic String) model and reviewing the fits of the spectra of mesons, baryons, glue-balls and exotic hadrons. 

I will present the determination of the hadron strong decay widths. The main decay mechanism is that of a string splitting into two strings. The corresponding total decay width behaves as $\Gamma =\frac{\pi}{2}A T L $ where T and L are the tension and length of the string and A is a dimensionless universal constant. The partial width of a given decay mode is given by $\Gamma_i/\Gamma = \Phi_i \exp(-2\pi C m_\text{sep}^2/T$ where $\Phi_i$ is a phase space factor, $m_\text{sep}$ is the mass of the "quark" and "antiquark" created at the splitting point, and C is adimensionless coefficient close to unity. I will show the fits of the theoretical results to experimental data for mesons and baryons. I will examine both the linearity in L and the exponential suppression factor. The linearity was found to agree with the data well for mesons but less for baryons. The extracted coefficient for mesons $A = 0.095\pm  0.01$  is indeed quite universal. The exponential suppression was applied to both strong and radiative decays. I will discuss the relation with string fragmentation and jet formation. I will extract the quark-diquark structure of baryons from their decays. A stringy mechanism for Zweig suppressed decays of quarkonia will be proposed and will be shown to reproduce the decay width of  states. The dependence of the width on spin and symmetry will be discussed. I will further apply this model to the decays of glueballs and exotic hadrons.


Mon, 12 Feb 2018

Universality at large transverse spin in defect CFT

Pedro Liendo
(DESY, Hamburg)

We study the spectrum of local operators living on a defect in a generic conformal field theory, and their coupling to the local bulk operators. We establish the existence of universal accumulation points in the spectrum at large s, s being the charge of the operators under rotations in the space transverse to the defect. Our main result is a formula that inverts the bulk to defect OPE, analogous to the Caron-Huot formula for the four-point function of CFTs without defects.

Mon, 05 Feb 2018

A universal geometry for heterotic vacua

Jock McOrist

I am interested in the moduli spaces of heterotic vacua. These are closely related to the moduli spaces of stable holomorphic bundles but in which the base and bundle vary simultaneously, together with additional constraints deriving from string theory. I will first summarise some pre-Brexit results we have derived. These include an explicit Kaehler metric and Kaehler potential for both the moduli space and its first cousin, the matter field space. I will secondly describe new, post-Brexit work in which these results are encased within an elegant geometry, which we call a universal heterotic geometry. Beyond compelling aesthetics, the framework is surprisingly useful giving both a concise derivation of our pre-Brexit results as well as some new results. 

Mon, 29 Jan 2018

Compact G2 manifolds and the Duality between M-Theory and Heterotic String Theory

Andreas Braun

M-theory on K3 surfaces and Heterotic Strings on T^3 give rise to dual theories in 7 dimensions. Applying this duality fibre-wise is expected to connect G2 manifolds with Calabi-Yau threefolds (together with vector bundles). We make these ideas explicit for a class of G2 manifolds realized as twisted connected sums and prove the equivalence of the spectra of the dual theories. This naturally gives us examples of singular TCS G2 manifolds realizing non-abelian gauge theories with non-chiral matter.

Thu, 30 Nov 2017

RG flows in 3d N=4 gauge theories

Benjamin Assel

I will present a new approach to study the RG flow in 3d N=4 gauge theories, based on an analysis of the Coulomb branch of vacua. The Coulomb branch is described as a complex algebraic variety and important information about the strongly coupled fixed points of the theory can be extracted from the study of its singularities. I will use this framework to study the fixed points of U(N) and Sp(N) gauge theories with fundamental matter, revealing some surprising scenarios at low amount of matter.

Mon, 27 Nov 2017

D-brane masses and the motivic Hodge conjecture

Albrecht Klemm

We consider the one parameter mirror families W of the Calabi-Yau 3-folds with Picard-Fuchs  equations of hypergeometric type. By mirror symmetry the  even D-brane masses of orginial Calabi-Yau manifolds M can be identified with four periods with respect to an integral symplectic basis of $H_3(W,\mathbb{Z})$ at the point of maximal unipotent monodromy. We establish that the masses of the D4 and D2 branes at the conifold are given by the two algebraically independent values of the L-function of the weight four holomorphic Hecke eigenform with eigenvalue one of $\Gamma_0(N)$. For the quintic in  $\mathbb{P}^4$ it this Hecke eigenform of $\Gamma_0(25)$ was as found by Chad Schoen.  It was discovered  by de la Ossa, Candelas and Villegas that  its  coefficients $a_p$ count the number of  solutions of  the mirror quinitic at the conifold over the finite number field $\mathbb{F}_p$ . Using the theory of periods and quasi-periods of $\Gamma_0(N)$ and the special geometry pairing on Calabi-Yau 3 folds we can fix further values in the connection matrix between the maximal unipotent monodromy point and the conifold point.  

Mon, 13 Nov 2017

Chiral Algebras for four dimensional N=4 SCFT

Carlo Meneghelli

Any four dimensional N=2 superconformal field theory (SCFT) contains a subsector of local operator which is isomorphic to a two dimensional chiral algebra.  If the 4d theory possesses N= 4 superconformal symmetry, the corresponding chiral algebra is an extension of the (small) N=4 super-Virasoro algebra.  In this talk I  will present some results on the classification of N=4 chiral algebras and discuss the conditions they should satisfy in order to correspond to a 4d theory. 

Mon, 06 Nov 2017

On the Vafa-Witten theory on closed four-manifolds

Yuuji Tanaka

We discuss mathematical studies on the Vafa-Witten theory, one of topological twists of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions, from the viewpoints of both differential and algebraic geometry. After mentioning backgrounds and motivation, we describe some issues to construct mathematical theory of this Vafa-Witten one, and explain possible ways to sort them out by analytic and algebro-geometric methods, the latter is joint work with Richard Thomas.

Mon, 30 Oct 2017

Generalized Seiberg-Witten equations and almost-Hermitian geometry

Varun Thakre
(ICTS Bengaluru)

I will talk about a generalisation of the Seiberg-Witten equations introduced by Taubes and Pidstrygach, in dimension 3 and 4 respectively, where the spinor representation is replaced by a hyperKahler manifold admitting certain symmetries. I will discuss the 4-dimensional equations and their relation with the almost-Kahler geometry of the underlying 4-manifold. In particular, I will show that the equations can be interpreted in terms of a PDE for an almost-complex structure on 4-manifold. This generalises a result of Donaldson. 

Mon, 23 Oct 2017

Supersymmetric Partition Functions and Higher Dimensional A-twist

Heeyeon Kim

I will talk about three-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories on a class of Seifert manifold. More precisely, I will compute the supersymmetric partition functions and correlation functions of BPS loop operators on M_{g,p}, which is defined by a circle bundle of degree p over a genus g Riemann surface. I will also talk about four-dimensional uplift of this construction, which computes the generalized index of N=1 gauge theories defined on elliptic fiberation over genus g Riemann surface. We will find that the partition function or the index can be written as a sum over "Bethe vacua” of two-dimensional A-twisted theory obtained by a circle compactification. With this framework, I will show how the partition functions on manifolds with different topologies are related to each other. We will also find that these observables are very useful to study the action of Seiberg-like dualities on co-dimension two BPS operators.

Thu, 19 Oct 2017

Dynamic Gauge Linear Sigma Models from Six Dimensions

Fabio Abruzzi

Compactifications of 6D Superconformal Field Theories (SCFTs) on four-manidolfds lead to novel interacting 2D SCFTs. I will describe the various Lagrangian and non-Lagrangian sectors of the resulting 2D theories, as well as their interactions. In general this construction can be embedded in compactifications of the physical superstring, providing a general template for realizing 2D conformal field theories coupled to worldsheet gravity, i.e. a UV completion for non-critical string theories.  

Mon, 16 Oct 2017

A geometric recipe for twisted superpotentials

Lotte Hollands
(Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)

Nekrasov, Rosly and Shatashvili observed that the generating function of a certain space of SL(2) opers has a physical interpretation as the effective twisted superpotential for a four-dimensional N=2 quantum field theory. In this talk we describe the ingredients needed to generalise this observation to higher rank. Important ingredients are spectral networks generated by Strebel differentials and the abelianization method. As an example we find the twisted superpotential for the E6 Minahan-Nemeschansky theory. 

Mon, 09 Oct 2017

Arithmetic of attractive K3 surfaces and black holes

Shehryar Sikander
(ICTP Trieste)

A K3 surface is called attractive if and only if its Picard number is 20: The maximal possible. Attractive K3 surfaces possess complex multiplication. This property endows attractive K3 surfaces with rich and well understood arithmetic. For example, the associated Galois representation turns out to be a product of well known two dimensional representations and the  Hasse-Weil L-function turns out to be a product of well known L-functions. On the other hand, attractive K3 surfaces show up as solutions of the attractor equations in type IIB string theory compactified on the product of a K3 surface with an elliptic curve. As such, these surfaces dictate the near horizon geometry of a charged black hole in this theory. We will try to see which arithmetic properties of the attractive K3 surfaces lend a stringy interpretation and use them to shed light on physical properties of the charged black hole. 

Mon, 12 Jun 2017


Shehryar Sikander
(Abdus Salam ICTP)
Mon, 05 Jun 2017

Effects of higher curvature terms on dual thermal QFTs out of equilibrium

Andrei Starinets

Transport properties of liquids and gases in the regime of weak coupling (or effective weak coupling) are determined by the solutions of relevant kinetic equations for particles or quasiparticles, with transport coefficients being proportional to the minimal eigenvalue of the linearized kinetic operator. At strong coupling, the same physical quantities can sometimes be determined from dual gravity, where quasinormal spectra enter as the eigenvalues of the linearized Einstein's equations. We discuss the problem of interpolating between the two regimes using results from higher derivative gravity.

Mon, 22 May 2017

Nonperturbative approach to hadron physics from superconformal algebraic structures and their light-front holographic embedding

Guy F. de Teramond
(University of Costa Rica)

Understanding the structure of hadrons in terms of their fundamental constituents requires an understanding of QCD at large distances, a vastly complex and unsolved dynamical problem. I will discuss in this talk a new approach to hadron structure based on superconformal quantum mechanics in the light-front and its holographic embedding in a higher dimensional gravity theory. This approach captures essential aspects of the confinement dynamics which are not apparent from the QCD Lagrangian, such as the emergence of a mass scale and confinement, the occurrence of a zero mode: the pion, universal Regge trajectories for mesons and baryons and precise connections between the light meson and nucleon spectra. This effective semiclassical approach to relativistic bound-state equations in QCD can be extended to heavy-light hadrons where heavy quark masses break the conformal invariance but the underlying dynamical supersymmetry holds.

Mon, 15 May 2017

Infinitesimal moduli of heterotic G_2 systems

Xenia de la Ossa

A heterotic $G_2$ system is a quadruple $([Y,\varphi], [V, A], [TY,\theta], H)$ where $Y$ is a seven dimensional manifold with an integrable <br /> $G_2$ structure $\varphi$, $V$ is a bundle on $Y$ with an instanton connection $A$, $TY$ is the tangent bundle with an instanton connection $\theta$ and $H$ is a three form on $Y$ determined uniquely by the $G_2$ structure on $Y$. Further, H  is constrained so that it satisfies a condition that involves the Chern-Simons forms of $A$ and $\theta$, thus mixing the geometry of $Y$ with that of the bundles (this is the so called anomaly cancelation condition).  In this talk I will describe the tangent space of the moduli space of these systems. We first prove that a heterotic system is equivalent to an exterior covariant derivative $\cal D$ on the bundle ${\cal Q} = T^*Y\oplus {\rm End}(V)\oplus {\rm End}(TY)$ which satisfies $\check{\cal D}^2 = 0$ for some appropriately defined projection of the operator $\cal D$.  Remarkably, this equivalence implies the (Bianchi identity of) the anomaly cancelation condition. We show that the infinitesimal moduli space is given by the cohomology group $H^1_{\check{\cal D}}(Y, {\cal Q})$ and therefore it is finite dimensional.   Our analysis leads to results that are of relevance to all orders in $\alpha’$.  Time permitting, I will comment on work in progress about the finite deformations of heterotic $G_2$ systems and the relation to differential graded Lie algebras.

Mon, 08 May 2017

Gauged Linear Sigma Model, Calabi-Yaus and Hemisphere Partition Function

Johanna Knapp
(Technical University of Vienna)

The gauged linear sigma model (GLSM) is a supersymmetric gauge theory in two dimensions which captures information about Calabi-Yaus and their moduli spaces. Recent result in supersymmetric localization provide new tools for computing quantum corrections in string compactifications. This talk will focus on the hemisphere partition function in the GLSM which computes the quantum corrected central charge of B-type D-branes. Several concrete examples of GLSMs and the application of the hemisphere partition function in the context of transporting D-branes in the Kahler moduli space will be given.

Mon, 24 Apr 2017

Computational Algebraic Geometry meets String Theory: the search for rigid divisors and computing sheaf cohomology on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces of toric 4-folds.

Mike Stillman

Calabi-Yau 3-folds play a large role in string theory.  Cohomology of sheaves on such varieties has many uses in string theory, including counting the number of particles or fields in a theory, as well as to help identify terms in the superpotential that determines the equations of motion of the corresponding string theory, and many other uses as well.  As a computational algebraic geometer, string theory provides a rich source of new computational problems to solve.

In this talk, we focus on the search for rigid divisors on these Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces of toric varieties.  We have had methods to compute sheaf cohomology on these varieties for many years now (Eisenbud-Mustata-Stillman, around 2000), but these methods fail for many of the examples of interest, in that they take a very long time, or the software (wisely) refuses to try!

We provide techniques and formulas for the sheaf cohomology of certain divisors of interest in string theory, that other current methods cannot handle.  Along the way, we describe a Macaulay2 package for computing with these objects, and show its use on examples.

This is joint work with Andreas Braun, Cody Long, Liam McAllister, and Benjamin Sung.

Mon, 06 Mar 2017

12:45 - 13:45

Holographic renormalization and supersymmetry

Pietro Benetti-Genolini

Localization and holography are powerful approaches to the computation of supersymmetric observables. The computations may, however, include divergences. Therefore, one needs renormalization schemes preserving supersymmetry. I will consider minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions to demonstrate that the standard holographic renormalization scheme breaks supersymmetry, and propose a set of non-standard boundary counterterms that restore supersymmetry. I will then show that for a certain class of solutions the improved on-shell action correctly reproduces an intrinsic observable of four-dimensional SCFTs, the supersymmetric Casimir energy.

Mon, 27 Feb 2017

12:45 - 13:45

Twin supergravities from Yang-Mills squared

Leron Borsten
(Dublin IAS)

We begin by reviewing the “Gravity = Gauge x Gauge” paradigm that has emerged over the last decade. In particular, we will consider the origin of gravitational scattering amplitudes, symmetries and classical solutions in terms of the product of two Yang-Mills theories. Motivated by these developments we begin to address the classification of gravitational theories admitting a “factorisation” into a product of gauge theories. Progress in this direction leads us to twin supergravity theories - pair of supergravities with distinct supersymmetries, but identical bosonic sectors - from the perspective of Yang-Mills squared. 

Mon, 20 Feb 2017

12:45 - 13:45

Dualities of Deformed N=2 SCFTs from torus knots and links

Fabian Ruehle

We study D3 brane theories that are described as deformations of N=2 SCFTs. They arise at the self-intersection of a 7-brane in F-Theory. As we shall explain, the associated string junctions and their monodromies can be studied via torus knots or links. The monodromy reduces (potentially different) flavor algebras of dual deformations of N=2 theories and projects out charged states, leading to N=1 SCFTs. We propose an explanation for these effects in terms of an electron-monopole-dyon condensate.