A fully-funded PhD studentship on modelling disease spread and non-pharmaceutical interventions in enclosed spaces is available, made possible through funding from the new OneZoo Centre for Doctoral Training.  The student will be based at the School of Mathematics in Cardiff University. They will be supervised by Dr Thomas Woolley (CU Maths), Dr Katerina Kaouri (CU Maths) and Dr Arwyn Edwards (Aberystwyth, Department of Life Sciences). The project will be conducted in collaboration with the Welsh Government as a stakeholder.

The student should have a degree in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or Computer Science. This studentship is open to both home and international students.

For more details and to apply: www.findaphd.com/phds/project/modelling-disease-spread-and-non-pharmaceutical-interventions-in-enclosed-spaces/?p156570
Deadline: 1st May 2023. Start date: October 2023

If you would like more information please contact Dr Thomas Woolley and Dr Katerina Kaouri (@email@email).

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Posted on 27 Apr 2023, 1:01pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.