Penrose tiling

Art and Oxford Mathematics

The Mathematical Institute's Andrew Wiles Building has numerous links to mathematically inspired art and architecture.

The entrance to the building features a beautiful Penrose tiling. Other elements of the Andrew Wiles Building's architecture are also mathematically inspired. The two main walls in the foyer exhibit Antoni Malinowski's 'Spiral Flip' (below left), which subtly changes with different lighting when viewed from different angles. In the building's entrance it is impossible to miss Mat Chivers' 'Axiom' sculpture, the winner of our Sculpture Competition (below middle -  this has been temporarily removed to make space for the Conrad Shawcross exhibition).

We have hosted a number of art events and exhibitions and currently we are exhibiting Cascading Principles: Expansions within Geometry, Philosophy, and Interference (below right), by Conrad Shawcross. This show brings together nearly 40 of Conrad's mathematically inspired works from the past seventeen years. Rather than in a gallery, they are placed in the working environment of the practitioners of the subject that inspired them, namely mathematics.

We are always open to any ideas that artists may have for using the exhibition space. Our Arts Committee assesses all requests on a rolling basis. Please contact Dyrol Lumbard to discuss this further.

Antoni MalinowskiAxiom SculptureParadigm - Shawcross exhibition

Last updated on 10 Mar 2023, 9:24pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.