Forthcoming events in this series

Wed, 31 May 2023

Accessibility, QI-rigidity, and planar graphs

Joseph MacManus
(University of Oxford)

A common pastime of geometric group theorists is to try and derive algebraic information about a group from the geometric properties of its Cayley graphs. One of the most classical demonstrations of this can be seen in the work of Maschke (1896) in characterising those finite groups with planar Cayley graphs. Since then, much work has been done on this topic. In this talk, I will attempt to survey some results in this area, and show that the class group with planar Cayley graphs is QI-rigid.

Wed, 17 May 2023

A brief history of virtual Haken

Filippo Baroni
(University of Oxford)

The virtual Haken theorem is one of the most influential recent results in 3-manifold theory. The statement dates back to Waldhausen, who conjectured that every aspherical closed 3-manifold has a finite cover containing an essential embedded closed surface. The proof is usually attributed to Agol, although his virtual special theorem is only the last piece of the puzzle. This talk is dedicated to the unsung heroes of virtual Haken, the mathematicians whose invaluable work helped turning this conjecture into a theorem. We will trace the history of a mathematical thread that connects Thurston-Perelman's geometrisation to Agol's final contribution, surveying Kahn-Markovic's surface subgroup theorem, Bergeron-Wise's cubulation of 3-manifold groups, Haglund-Wise's special cube complexes, Wise's work on quasi-convex hierarchies and Agol-Groves-Manning's weak separation theorem.

Wed, 10 May 2023

Vanishing of group cohomology, Kazhdan’s Property (T), and computer proofs

Piotr Mizerka
(Polish Academy of Sciences)

We will look at the vanishing of group cohomology from the perspective of Kazhdan’s property (T). We will investigate an analogue of this property for any degree, introduced by U. Bader and P. W. Nowak in 2020 and describe a method of proving these properties with computers.

Wed, 03 May 2023

A Motivation for Studying Hyperbolic Cusps

Misha Schmalian
(University of Oxford)

We will give an introduction to hyperbolic cusps and their Dehn fillings. In particular, we will give a brief survey of quantitive results in the field. To motivate this work, we will sketch how these techniques are used for studying the classical question of characteristic slopes on knots.

Wed, 26 Apr 2023

Insufficiency of simple closed curve homology

Adam Klukowski
(University of Oxford)

This talk is concerned with the question of generating the homology of a covering space by lifts of simple closed curves (from topological viewpoint), and generating the first homology of a subgroup by powers of elements outside certain filtrations (from group-theoretic viewpoint). I will sketch Malestein's and Putman's construction of examples of branched covers where lifts of scc's span a proper subspace. I will discuss the relation of their proof to the Magnus embedding, and present recent results on similar embeddings of surface groups which facilitate extending their theorems to unbranched covers.

Wed, 08 Mar 2023

99 problems and presentations are most of them

Naomi Andrew
(University of Oxford)

Geometric (even combinatorial) group theory suffers from the unfortunate situation that many obvious questions about group presentations (ex: is this a presentation of the trivial group? is this word the identity in that group?) cannot be answered. Not only "we don't know how to tell" but "we know that we cannot know how to tell" - this is called undecidability. This talk will serve as an introduction (for non-experts, since I am also such) to the area of group theoretic decision problems: I'll aim to cover some problems, some solutions (or half-solutions) and some of the general sources of undecidability, as well as featuring some of my (least?) favourite pathological groups.

Wed, 01 Mar 2023

Algorithms and 3-manifolds

Adele Jackson
(University of Oxford)

Given a mathematical object, what can you compute about it? In some settings, you cannot say very much. Given an arbitrary group presentation, for example, there is no procedure to decide whether the group is trivial. In 3-manifolds, however, algorithms are a fruitful and active area of study (and some of them are even implementable!). One of the main tools in this area is normal surface theory, which allows us to describe interesting surfaces in a 3-manifold with respect to an arbitrary triangulation. I will discuss some results in this area, particularly around Seifert fibered spaces.

Wed, 22 Feb 2023

Stable commutator length in free and surface groups

Alexis Marchand
(University of Cambridge)

Stable commutator length (scl) is a measure of homological complexity in groups that has attracted attention for its various connections with geometric topology and group theory. In this talk, I will introduce scl and discuss the (hard) problem of computing scl in surface groups. I will present some results concerning isometric embeddings of free groups for scl, and how they generalise to surface groups for the relative Gromov seminorm.

Wed, 15 Feb 2023


Filippo Baroni
(University of Oxford)
Wed, 08 Feb 2023

Minimal disks and the tower construction in 3-manifolds

Ognjen Tosic
(University of Oxford)

A fundamental result in 3-manifold topology is the loop theorem: Given a null-homotopic simple closed curve in the boundary of a compact 3-manifold $M$, it bounds an embedded disk in $M$. The standard topological proof of this uses the tower construction due to Papakyriakopoulos. In this talk, I will introduce basic existence and regularity results on minimal surfaces, and show how to use the tower construction to prove a geometric version of the loop theorem due to Meeks--Yau: Given a null-homotopic simple closed curve in the boundary of a compact Riemannian 3-manifold $M$ with convex boundary, it bounds an embedded disk of least area. This also gives an independent proof of the (topological) loop theorem.

Wed, 01 Feb 2023

Conjugacy languages in virtual graph products

Gemma Crowe
(Heriot-Watt University)

Many classes of finitely generated groups have been studied using formal language theory techniques. One historical example is the study of geodesics, which gives rise to the strict growth series of a group. Properties of languages associated to groups can provide insight into the nature of the growth series.

In this talk we will introduce languages associated to conjugacy classes, rather than elements of the group. This will lead us to define an analogous series, namely the conjugacy growth series of a group, which has become a popular topic in recent years. After discussing the necessary group theoretic and language tools needed, we will focus on how these conjugacy languages behave in graph products. We will finish with some new results which look at when these properties can extend to virtual graph products.

Wed, 25 Jan 2023

Group cohomology, BNS invariants and subgroup separability

Monika Kudlinska
(University of Oxford)

Group cohomology is a powerful tool which has found many applications in modern group theory. It can be calculated and interpreted through geometric, algebraic and topological means, and as such it encodes the relationships between these different aspects of infinite groups. The aim of this talk is to introduce a circle of ideas which link group cohomology with the theory of BNS invariants, and the property of being subgroup separable. No prior knowledge of any of these topics will be assumed.

Wed, 18 Jan 2023

Condensed Mathematics

Sofía Marlasca Aparicio
(University of Oxford)

Condensed Mathematics is a tool recently developed by Clausen and Scholze and it is proving fruitful in many areas of algebra and geometry. In this talk, we will cover the definition of condensed sets, the analogues of topological spaces in the condensed setting. We will also talk about condensed modules over a ring and some of their nice properties like forming an abelian category. Finally, we'll discuss some recent results that have been obtained through the application of Condensed Mathematics.

Wed, 30 Nov 2022

Handlebody groups and disk graphs

Panagiotis Papadopoulos
(LMU Munich)

The handlebody group is defined as the mapping class group of a three-dimensional handlebody. We will survey some geometric and algebraic properties of the handlebody groups and compare them to those of two of the most studied (classes of) groups in geometric group theory, namely mapping class groups of surfaces, and ${\rm Out}(F_n)$. We will also introduce the disk graph, the handlebody-analogon of the curve graph of a surface, and discuss some of its properties.

Wed, 23 Nov 2022

A generalized geometric invariant of discrete groups

Kevin Klinge

Given a group of type ${\rm FP}_n$, one may ask if this property also holds for its subgroups. The BNS invariant is a subset of the character sphere that fully captures this information for subgroups that are kernels of characters. It also provides an interesting connection of finiteness properties of subgroups and group homology. In this talk I am going to give an introduction to this problem and present an attempt to generalize the BNS invariant to more subgroups than just the kernels of characters.

Wed, 16 Nov 2022

A brief introduction to higher representation theory

Hao Xu
(University of Göttingen)

In recent years, a tend of higher category theory is growing from multiple areas of research throughout mathematics, physics and theoretical computer science. Guided by Cobordism Hypothesis, I would like to introduce some basics of `higher representation theory’, i.e. the part of higher category theory where we focus on the fundamental objects: `finite dimensional’ linear n-categories. If time permits, I will also introduce some recent progress in linear higher categories and motivations from condensed matter physics.

Wed, 09 Nov 2022

Persistent homology in theory and practice

Katherine Benjamin
(University of Oxford)

Persistent homology is both a powerful framework for data science and a fruitful source of mathematical questions. Here, we will give an introduction to both single-parameter and multiparameter persistent homology. We will see some examples of how topology has been successfully applied to the real world, and also explore some of the pure-mathematical ideas that arise from this new perspective.

Wed, 02 Nov 2022

Separability of products in relatively hyperbolic groups

Lawk Mineh
(University of Southampton)

Separability is an algebraic property enjoyed by certain subsets of groups. In the world of non-positively curved groups, it has a not-too-well-understood link to geometric properties such as convexity. We explore this connection in the setting of relatively hyperbolic groups and discuss a recent joint work in this area involving products of quasiconvex subgroups.

Wed, 26 Oct 2022

$\ell^2$ and profinite invariants

Ismael Morales
(University of Oxford)

We review a few instances in which the first $\ell^2$ Betti number of a group is a profinite invariant and we discuss some applications and open problems.

Wed, 19 Oct 2022

$\ell^2$-invariants and generalisations in positive characteristic

Sam Fisher
(University of Oxford)

We survey the theory of $\ell^2$-invariants, their applications in group theory and topology, and introduce a positive characteristic version of $\ell^2$-theory. We also discuss the Atiyah and Lück approximation conjectures, two of the central problems in this area.

Wed, 12 Oct 2022

Profinite Rigidity

Paweł Piwek
(University of Oxford)

Profinite rigidity is essentially the study of which groups can be distinguished from each other by their finite quotients. This talk is meant to give a gentle introduction to the area - I will explain which questions are the right ones to ask and give an overview of some of the main results in the field. I will assume knowledge of what a group presentation is.

Wed, 08 Jun 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Random Walks on Lie Groups and Diophantine Approximation

Constantin Kogler
(University of Cambridge)

After a general introduction to the study of random walks on groups, we discuss the relationship between limit theorems for random walks on Lie groups and Diophantine properties of the underlying distribution. Indeed, we will discuss the classical abelian case and more recent results by Bourgain-Gamburd for compact simple Lie groups such as SO(3). If time permits, we discuss some new results for non-compact simple Lie groups such as SL_2(R). We hope to touch on the relevant methods from harmonic analysis, number theory and additive combinatorics. The talk is aimed at a general audience. 

Wed, 01 Jun 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Existence of branched coverings of surfaces

Filippo Baroni
(University of Oxford)

A branched covering between two surfaces looks like a regular covering map except for finitely many branching points, where some non-trivial ramification may occur. Informally speaking, the existence problem asks whether we can find a branched covering with prescribed behaviour around its branching points.

A variety of techniques have historically been employed to tackle this problem, ranging from studying representations of surface groups into symmetric groups to drawing "dessins d'enfant" on the covering surface. After introducing these techniques and explaining how they can be applied to the existence problem, I will briefly present a conjecture unexpectedly relating branched coverings and prime numbers.

Wed, 25 May 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Pseudo-Anosov flows on 3-manifolds

Anna Parlak

This will be a gentle introduction to the theory of pseudo-Anosov  flows on 3-manifolds, as seen from the perspective of a topologist and not a dynamicist.

I will start by considering geodesic flows on the unit tangent bundles of hyperbolic surfaces. This will lead to a definition of an Anosov and then a pseudo-Anosov flow on a 3-manifold. After discussing a couple of examples, I will outline some connections between pseudo-Anosov flows and other aspects of 3-manifold topology/ geometry/ group theory.