'Inference of risk-neutral joint-distributions in commodity markets using neural-networks' - Friday (27th May) @10AM.

The workshop details can be found on the website including information about a challenge presented by Macquarie

You can join us in person @L4 or remotely. We encourage all interested party, especially those interested in Math Finance and Data Science, to join this workshop. Attendance at this event is restricted to members of the Mathematical Institute.

We have a new mailing list (Industrial-and-Interdisciplinary-workshop-announce) for announcing the I&I workshops. If you want to be added to the list, simply send an email to @email or industrial-and-interdisciplinary-workshop-announce-subscribe@maths.ox.a… with subject line as 'subscribe'.

Workshop image

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 20 May 2022 15:08.