All these events are at the Museum of the History of Science on Broad Street.


WOMEN IN SCIENCE: Portraits, Archive Material, Trails and Talks

Basement Gallery

March – December 2018

100 years ago, the first group of women won the right to vote in the UK. In this centenary year, there is widespread recognition of the political role women have played in society. But what about the vital contributions women have made to science? During 2018 we are celebrating a number of women connected with the University and the Museum’s collections.

Is there a scientific woman you think should feature in our year of celebrations? Drop us an email at @email.


Alice’s Day: Adventures in Photography

Saturday 7 July, 2-4pm

For the annual celebration of Lewis Carroll’s Alice stories, we go through the looking glass of photography. See Carroll’s own photographic kit, find out about women pioneers of photography and have a go at creating your own photographs using sun-reactive paper and our digital cameras. You can also pick up a family trail from 12-5pm to discover Alice’s objects.

Drop-in, family friendly, ages 6+

Boundaries of Science - an evening talk

Thursday 12 July, 6pm

In the 1200s Europe experienced a scientific revolution when it encountered books on natural philosophy by Aristotle and his Arabic commentators. This science was welcomed for its explanations of how the world worked, but some of its theories contradicted important Christian beliefs. Christianity conditioned medieval social and individual outlook, so people exploring this science were confronted with conflicting ‘truths’. How could they accept, for example, Aristotle’s convincing theory that the world is eternal, when as Christians they believed in Creation? Dr Ann Giletti (University of Oxford) will talk about medieval debates over this new science, and the boundaries laced by Church authorities on its open discussion.

Please book online.


Saturday 14 July, 2-4pm

Discover the Museum’s collection of globes and make your own pocket globe.

Drop-in, family friendly, ages 9+, materials £2

Send a Message SOS

Saturday 18 August, 2–4pm

Learn Morse code, experiment with the Museum’s telegraphic apparatus, and unravel the mystery message.

Drop-in, family friendly ages 7+

Making Micrographia

Thursday 30 – Friday 31 August, 2-4pm

Use microscopes and lenses to observe tiny things, and use your drawings to make magnificent monoprints inspired by illustrations from Robert Hooke's famous book Micrographia published in 1665.

Drop-in, family friendly, ages 7+

Cabinet of Curiosities

Saturday 22 September, 2-4pm

Discover unusual objects and assemble your own cabinet of curiosities.

Drop-in, family friendly ages 5-13

Women in Science: Gallery Tour

Wednesday 26 September, 12.30–1pm

Join us for a staff-led tour and find out how women have been involved in science for hundreds of years as astronomers, mathematicians, instrument makers, and merchants.

Part of the Women in Science programme of events.

Ada Lovelace: the Making of a Computer Scientist - an evening talk

Thursday 27 September, 6pm

Ada, Countess of Lovelace, is sometimes called the world’s first computer programmer and has become an icon for women in technology. But how did a young woman in the 19th century, without access to formal school or university education, acquire the knowledge and expertise to become a pioneer of computer science?

Professor Ursula Martin’s (University of Oxford) research interests span mathematics, computer science and the humanities. She recently wrote Ada Lovelace, the Making of a Computer Scientist with Christopher Hollings and Adrian Rice. It is the first popular account of the scientific and mathematical education of Ada Lovelace.

Please book online.

Part of the Women in Science programme of events.

Posted on 28 Jun 2018, 8:33am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.