Mon, 30 Apr 2018

A dynamical regard on knot Floer homology

Paolo Ghiggini

I will prove that the knot Floer homology group
HFK-hat(K, g-1) for a genus g fibered knot K is isomorphic to a
variant of the fixed points Floer homology of an area-preserving
representative of its monodromy. This is a joint work with Gilberto

Tue, 17 Nov 2009

17:00 - 18:00

Finite generation of invariants over an arbitrary base

Vincent Franjou

A classic problem in invariant theory, often referred to as Hilbert's 14th problem, asks, when a group acts on a finitely generated commutative algebra by algebra automorphisms, whether the ring of invariants is still finitely generated. I shall present joint work with W. van der Kallen treating the problem for a Chevalley group over an arbitrary base. Progress on the corresponding problem of finite generation for rational cohomology will be discussed.

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