Tue, 05 Mar 2019

12:00 - 13:00

Network models for recommender systems

Roxana Pamfil
(University of Oxford & Dunnhumby)

With the introduction of supermarket loyalty cards in recent decades, there has been an ever-growing body of customer-level shopping data. A natural way to represent this data is with a bipartite network, in which customers are connected to products that they purchased. By predicting likely edges in these networks, one can provide personalised product recommendations to customers.
In this talk, I will first discuss a basic approach for recommendations, based on network community detection, that we have validated on a promotional campaign run by our industrial collaborators. I will then describe a multilayer network model that accounts for the fact that customers tend to buy the same grocery items repeatedly over time. By modelling such correlations explicitly, link-prediction accuracy improves considerably. This approach is also useful in other networks that exhibit significant edge correlations, such as social networks (in which people often have repeated interactions with other people), airline networks (in which popular routes are often served by more than one airline), and biological networks (in which, for example, proteins can interact in multiple ways). 

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