Fri, 31 May 2019

10:00 - 11:00

An optimal control approach to Formula 1 lap simulation

Mike Beeson, Matt Davidson and James Rogers
(Racing Point F1)

In Formula 1 engineers strive to produce the fastest car possible for their drivers. A lap simulation provides an objective evaluation of the performance of the car and the subsequent lap time achieved. Using this information, engineers aim to test new car concepts, determine performance limitations or compromises, and identify the sensitivity of performance to car setup parameters.

The latest state of the art lap simulation techniques use optimal control approaches. Optimisation methods are employed to derive the optimal control inputs of the car that achieve the fastest lap time within the constraints of the system. The resulting state trajectories define the complete behaviour of the car. Such approaches aim to create more robust, realistic and powerful simulation output compared to traditional methods.

In this talk we discuss our latest work in this area. A dynamic vehicle model is used within a free-trajectory solver based on direct optimal control methods. We discuss the reasons behind our design choices, our progress to date, and the issues we have faced during development. Further, we look at the short and long term aims of our project and how we wish to develop our mathematical methods in the future.

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