Mathematical Institute, Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford

13 & 14 January 2014


Short Course Speakers:

Jérémie Szeftel - ENS Paris

Gustav Holzegel - Imperial College London

Willie Wai Yeung Wong - EPFL





Lars Andersson - Max Planck Institute of Gravitational Physics

Stefanos Aretakis - Princeton

Pieter Blue - Edinburgh

Sergiu Klainerman - Princeton

Jonathan Luk - MIT

Jacques Smulevici - Paris-Sud

Pin Yu - Tsing-Hua University 



Short Talk Speakers:
Volker Schlue - Toronto
Shi-Wu Yang - Cambridge
Jin-Hua Wang - Max Planck Institute of Gravitational Physics

General relativity aims to provide a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time. The curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of matter and radiation by Einstein's field equations. The study of  Einstein equations is increasingly a source of challenging problems for the theory of nonlinear hyperbolic PDE and geometric analysis.

The workshop will consist of a set of short course sessions regarding two leading topics in the field: the first being on the pioneering works, $L^2$ curvature conjecture on Einstein vacuum equations; the second being on shock formation for nonlinear wave equations. There will also be a series of talks on recent progresses on evolution problems in relativity. The aim of the workshop is to provide an informative environment allowing early career researchers to come together, to gain understanding of leading edge research in these topics and enhance knowledge with discussion of their own research.

Registration is now closed.

Lunches will be provided for both days of the workshop.

Programme - Nonlinear Wave Equations Workshop 13-14 Jan.pdf


Local Organisers

Qian Wang - @email

Gui-Qiang Chen - @email

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