Seminar series
Wed, 27 Jan 2016
Olivier Pereira
Universite catholique de louvain

STAR-Vote is voting system that results from a collaboration between a number of
academics and the Travis County, Texas elections office, which currently uses a
DRE voting system and previously used an optical scan voting system. STAR-Vote
represents a rare opportunity for a variety of sophisticated technologies, such
as end-to-end cryptography and risk limiting audits, to be designed into a new
voting system, from scratch, with a variety of real world constraints, such as
election-day vote centers that must support thousands of ballot styles and run
all day in the event of a power failure.
We present and motivate the design of the STAR-Vote system, the benefits that we
expect from it, and its current status.

This is based on joint work with Josh Benaloh, Mike Byrne, Philip Kortum,
Neal McBurnett, Ron Rivest, Philip Stark, Dan Wallach
and the Office of the Travis County Clerk

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