Seminar series
Thu, 03 Mar 2016
16:00 - 17:30
Ludger Rüschendorf
Mathematische Stochastik Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg

We describe the possible influence of stochastic 
dependence on the evaluation of
the risk of joint portfolios and establish relevant risk bounds.Some 
basic tools for this purpose are  the distributional transform,the 
rearrangement method and extensions of the classical Hoeffding -Frechet 
bounds based on duality theory.On the other hand these tools find also 
essential applications to various problems of optimal investments,to the 
construction of cost-efficient payoffs as well as to various optimal 
hedging problems.We
discuss in detail the case of optimal payoffs in Levy market models as 
well as utility optimal payoffs and hedgings
with state dependent utilities.

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