"I... had the privilege of having great supervisors for my coursework and dissertation, whose guidance has been invaluable."

Shreyas Srinivas 2016-17

I'm Shreyas, an MFoCS student with interests in computational complexity and related areas. I applied to MFoCS because it was uniquely well-suited to my goal of getting into research in CS theory. The course does not require you to study any pre-determined set of subjects, in particular courses in non theoretical areas of Computer Science. This has helped me shape my own unique path through the course. Also, the concept of examination through mini projects instead of sit-in exams appealed to me when I was applying. My experience throughout the course has validated my expectations. I have learnt a lot through the courses, mini projects and the dissertation. I have also had the privilege of having great supervisors for my coursework and dissertation, whose guidance has been invaluable. The unconventional one year duration of the course has been helpful too. I have been able to secure an year long research-based internship while I apply for  PhD programmes. All in all the course has been quite intense and enjoyable.

Last updated on 24 Sep 2024, 9:53am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.