Mon, 21 Nov 2005
DH 3rd floor SR
Dr M Tretyakov
University of Leicester

Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with nonglobally Lipschitz coefficients

possessing unique solutions make up a very important class in applications. For

instance, Langevin-type equations and gradient systems with noise belong to this

class. At the same time, most numerical methods for SDEs are derived under the

global Lipschitz condition. If this condition is violated, the behaviour of many

standard numerical methods in the whole space can lead to incorrect conclusions.

This situation is very alarming since we are forced to refuse many effective

methods and/or to resort to some comparatively complicated numerical procedures.

We propose a new concept which allows us to apply any numerical method of weak

approximation to a very broad class of SDEs with nonglobally Lipschitz

coefficients. Following this concept, we discard the approximate trajectories

which leave a sufficiently large sphere. We prove that accuracy of any method of

weak order p is estimated by $\varepsilon+O(h^{p})$, where $\varepsilon$ can be

made arbitrarily small with increasing the radius of the sphere. The results

obtained are supported by numerical experiments. The concept of rejecting

exploding trajectories is applied to computing averages with respect to the

invariant law for Langevin-type equations. This approach to computing ergodic

limits does not require from numerical methods to be ergodic and even convergent

in the nonglobal Lipschitz case. The talk is based on joint papers with G.N.


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