Tue, 31 Jan 2012
15:45 - 16:45
Andre Henriques

There is a beautiful classification of full (rational) CFT due to

Fuchs, Runkel and Schweigert. The classification says roughly the

following. Fix a chiral algebra A (= vertex algebra). Then the set of

full CFT whose left and right chiral algebras agree with A is

classified by Frobenius algebras internal to Rep(A). A famous example

to which one can successfully apply this is the case when the chiral

algebra A is affine su(2): in that case, the Frobenius algebras in

Rep(A) are classified by A_n, D_n, E_6, E_7, E_8, and so are the

corresponding CFTs.

Recently, Kapustin and Saulina gave a conceptual interpretation of the

FRS classification in terms of 3-dimentional Chern-Simons theory with

defects. Those defects are also given by Frobenius algebras in Rep(A).

Inspired by the proposal of Kapustin and Saulina, we will (partially)

construct the three-tier CFT associated to a given Frobenius algebra.

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