Tue, 13 Mar 2012
15:45 - 16:45
Yohsuke Imagi

Special Lagrangian submanifolds are area minimizing Lagrangian submanifolds discovered by Harvey and Lawson. There is no obstruction to deforming compact special Lagrangian

submanifolds by a theorem of Mclean. It is however difficult to understand singularities of

special Lagrangian submanifolds (varifolds). Joyce has studied isolated singularities with multiplicity one smooth tangent cones. Suppose that there exists a compact special Lagrangian submanifold M of dimension three with one point singularity modelled on the Clliford torus cone. We may apply the gluing technique to M by a theorem of Joyce.

We obtain then a compact non-singular special Lagrangian submanifold sufficiently close to M as varifolds in Geometric Measure Theory. The main result of this talk is as follows: all special Lagrangian varifolds sufficiently close to M are obtained by the gluing technique.

The proof is similar to that of a theorem of Donaldson in the Yang-Mills theory.

One first proves an analogue of Uhlenbeck's removable singularities theorem in the Yang-Mills theory. One uses here an idea of a theorem of Simon, who proved the uniqueness of multiplicity one tangent cones of minimal surfaces. One proves next the uniqueness of local models for desingularizing M (see above) using symmetry of the Clifford torus cone.

These are the main part of the proof.

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