Finite Groups, Representations, and Related Topics
Oxford, 20-24 August 2012
In celebration of Michael Collins's fifty years at Oxford
List of speakers: Michael Aschbacher (Caltech), Jon Carlson (U. Georgia), Joseph Chuang (City University), Karin Erdmann (Oxford), Matt Fayers (Queen Mary), Paul Flavell (Birmingham), Simon Goodwin (Birmingham), Jesper Grodal (Copenhagen), Derek Holt (Warwick), Radha Kessar (Aberdeen), Markus Linckelmann (Aberdeen), Gabriel Navarro (Valencia), Bob Oliver (Paris Nord), Chris Parker (Birmingham), Geoff Robinson (Aberdeen), Leonard Scott (U. Virginia), Peter Sin (U. Florida), Ron Solomon (Ohio State), Britta Späth (Kaiserslautern)
Location: Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 24-29 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LB, UK. Talks will take place in L1, in the basement, with breaks and wine reception in the common room.
Time: 20th August 2012, 12pm, to 24th August 2012, 3pm. There will be a conference dinner on the evening of the 23rd (Thursday), with drinks at 7pm and dinner at 7:30, at Magdalen College. The cost is £30 (£20 for students).
Registration. There is a registration fee of £50 to cover refreshments and lunches.
Organizers: David Craven (Oxford/Birmingham) and Raphaël Rouquier (Oxford/UCLA). Please send enquiries to @email
Support from EPSRC and London Mathematical Society