Please note that the list below only shows forthcoming events, which may not include regular events that have not yet been entered for the forthcoming term. Please see the past events page for a list of all seminar series that the department has on offer.


Past events in this series

Thu, 02 May 2024

Gradient Flow Approach to Minimal Surfaces

Christopher Wright
(University of Oxford)

Minimal surfaces, which are critical points of the area functional, have long been a source of fruitful problems in geometry. In this talk, I will introduce a new approach, primarily coming from a recent paper of M. Struwe, to constructing free boundary minimal discs using a gradient flow of a suitable energy functional. I will discuss the uniqueness of solutions to the gradient flow, including recent work on the uniqueness of weak solutions, and also what is known about the qualitative behaviour of the flow, especially regarding the interpretation of singularities which arise. Time permitting, I will also mention ongoing joint work with M. Rupflin and M. Struwe on extending this theory to general surfaces with boundary.