Forthcoming events in this series

Wed, 17 Jul 2024
Science Museum, London SW7

Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture: The Potential for AI in Science and Mathematics - Terence Tao. SOLD OUT

Terence Tao
(University of California, Los Angeles )
Further Information

Terry Tao is one of the world's leading mathematicians and winner of many awards including the Fields Medal. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Following his talk Terry will be in conversation with fellow mathematician Po-Shen Loh.

Please email @email to register to attend in person. Please note this lecture is in London.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Wednesday 7th August at 5pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version). 

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for event
Wed, 10 Jul 2024
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

The Inaugural Vicky Neale Public Lecture: Tim Harford - The Counting Project

Further Information

The Vicky Neale Public Lecture recognises the invaluable contribution to mathematical education of the late Vicky Neale. In this lecture, economist and broadcaster Tim Harford looks at how data built the modern world - and how we can use it to build a better one.

Please email @email to register to attend in person.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Wednesday 31 July at 5-6pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Vicky Neale Public Lectures are a partnership between the Clay Mathematics Institute, PROMYS and Oxford Mathematics. The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Wed, 26 Jun 2024
Lecture Theatre 1

From Ronald Ross to ChatGPT: the birth and strange life of the random walk - Jordan Ellenberg

Jordan Ellenberg
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Further Information

Between 1905 and 1910 the idea of the random walk, now a major topic in applied maths, was invented simultaneously and independently by multiple people in multiple countries for completely different purposes – in the UK, the story starts with Ronald Ross and the problem of mosquito control, but elsewhere, the theory was being developed in domains from physics to finance to winning a theological argument (really!).

Jordan will tell some part of this story and also gesture at ways that random walks (or Markov processes, named after the theological arguer) underlie current approaches to artificial intelligence; he will touch on some of his own work with DeepMind and speculate about the capabilities of those systems now and in the future.

Jordan Ellenberg is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of best-selling works of non-fiction and fiction, and has written and lectured extensively for a general audience about the wonders of mathematics for over fifteen years.

Please email @email to register to attend in person.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Thursday 18 July at 5-6pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.Banner

Thu, 23 May 2024
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

Infinite Jesters: what can philosophers learn from a puzzle involving infinitely many clowns? - Ofra Magidor and Alexander Kaiserman

Ofra Magidor and Alexander Kaiserman
(University of Oxford)
Further Information

Ofra and Alexander consider a simple but intriguing mathematical argument, which purports to show how infinitely many clowns appear to have some surprising powers. They'll discuss what conclusions philosophers can and cannot draw from this case, and connect the discussion to a number of key philosophical issues such as the problem of free will and the Grandfather Paradox for time travel.

Ofra Magidor is Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy at the University of Oxford and Fellow of Magdalen College. Alex Kaiserman is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford and Fairfax Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy at Balliol College. While they are both philosophers, Ofra holds a BSc in Philosophy, Mathematics, and Computer Science and Alex holds an MPhysPhil in Physics and Philosophy, so they are no strangers to STEM subjects.

Please email @email to register to attend in person.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Thursday 13 June at 5-6pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Thu, 25 Apr 2024
Lecture Theatre 1

The Ubiquity of Braids - Tara Brendle

Tara Brendle
(University of Glasgow)
Further Information

What do maypole dancing, grocery delivery, and the quadratic formula all have in common? The answer is: braids! In this talk Tara will explore how the ancient art of weaving strands together manifests itself in a variety of modern settings, both within mathematics and in our wider culture.    

Tara Brendle is a Professor of Mathematics in the School of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of Glasgow. Her research lies in the area of geometric group theory, at the interface between algebra and topology. She is co-author of 'Braids: A Survey', appearing in 'The Handbook of Knot Theory'.

Please email @email to register to attend in person.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Thursday 16 May at 5-6pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for event with details against backdrop of braids
Thu, 29 Feb 2024
Lecture Theatre 1

Mobilizing Mathematics for the Fight Against Cancer - Trachette Jackson

Trachette Jackson
Further Information

Mathematical oncologists apply mathematical and computational models to every aspect of cancer biology, from tumor initiation to malignant spread and treatment response. A substantial amount of medical research now focuses on the molecular biology of individual tumors to selectively target pathways involved in tumor progression, leading to careful manipulation of these pathways, and new cell-specific approaches to cancer therapy are now being developed. At the same time, advances in cancer immunotherapies have led to a reemergence of their use and effectiveness. Using data-driven computational models is a powerful and practical way to investigate the therapeutic potential of novel combinations of these two very different strategies for clinical cancer treatment.

Trachette will showcase mathematical models designed to optimize targeted drug treatment strategies in combination with immunotherapy, to gain a more robust understanding of how specific tumor mutations affect the immune system and ultimately impact combination therapy. Combined with existing and newly generated experimental data, these models are poised to improve the ability to connect promising drugs for clinical trials and reduce the time and costs of transitioning novel therapeutic approaches from “equations to bench to bedside.”

Trachette Jackson is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Michigan and recipient of many awards for her work in her field and for her commitment to increasing opportunities for girls, women, and underrepresented minority students.

Please email @email to register to attend in person.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Thursday 21 March at 5-6pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for event
Wed, 14 Feb 2024
Lecture Theatre 1

Logging the World - Oliver Johnson

Oliver Johnson
(University of Bristol)
Further Information

During the pandemic, you may have seen graphs of data plotted on strange-looking (logarithmic) scales. Oliver will explain some of the basics and history of logarithms, and show why they are a natural tool to represent numbers ranging from COVID data to Instagram followers. In fact, we’ll see how logarithms can even help us understand information itself in a mathematical way.

Oliver Johnson is Professor of Information Theory in the School of Mathematics at the University of Bristol. His research involves randomness and uncertainty, and includes collaborations with engineers, biologists and computer scientists. During the pandemic he became a commentator on the daily COVID numbers, through his Twitter account and through appearances on Radio 4 and articles for the Spectator. He is the author of the book Numbercrunch (2023), which is designed to help a general audience understand the value of maths as a toolkit for making sense of the world.

Please email @email to register.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Wednesday 06 March at 5-6pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for event
Thu, 23 Nov 2023
Lecture Theatre 1

A Mathematical Journey through Literature - Sarah Hart

Sarah Hart
(Birkbeck, University of London)
Further Information

In this lecture, Sarah will explore the many connections between mathematics and literature. She'll show the hidden mathematical structures behind everything from poetry to novels, and reveal some of the beautiful mathematical imagery and symbolism in fiction, from simple fairy tales to classics like Moby-Dick. Her goal is to show that not only are mathematics and literature inextricably linked, but that understanding these links can enhance our enjoyment of both. 

Sarah Hart is Professor of Mathematics at Birkbeck, University of London, the Gresham Professor of Geometry in Gresham College and author of Once Upon a Prime: the Wondrous Connections between Mathematics and Literature.

Please email @email to register to attend in person.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Thursday 14th December at 5pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Wed, 25 Oct 2023
Lecture Theatre 1

Does Life know about quantum mechanics? - Jim Al-Khalili

Jim Al-Khalili
(University of Surrey)
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Roger Penrose Public Lecture

Does Life know about quantum mechanics? Jim Al-Khalili

Physicists and chemists are used to dealing with quantum mechanics, but biologists have thus far got away without having to worry about this strange yet powerful theory of the subatomic world. However, times are changing. There is now solid evidence that enzymes use quantum tunnelling to accelerate chemical reactions, while plants and bacteria use a quantum trick in photosynthesis – sending lumps of sunlight energy in multiple directions at once. It even appears that some animals have the ability to use quantum entanglement – what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance” – as a compass to ‘see’ the earth’s magnetic field. In our research at the University of Surrey we are discovering that life may even have evolved mechanisms to control genetic mutations caused by quantum tunnelling of protons between strands of DNA. Welcome to the exciting new field of quantum biology.

Jim Al-Khalili CBE FRS is an academic, author and broadcaster. He holds a Distinguished Chair in Theoretical Physics at the University of Surrey where he conducts research in quantum physics. He has written fifteen books on popular science, between them translated into over twenty-six languages. He is a regular presenter of TV science documentaries and the long-running BBC Radio 4 programme, The Life Scientific.

Please email @email to register to attend in person.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on Wednesday 15 November at 5pm and any time after (no need to register for the online version).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Tue, 03 Oct 2023
Lecture Theatre 1

Around the World in 80 Games - Marcus du Sautoy

Marcus du Sautoy
(University of Oxford)
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture: Around the World in 80 Games - Marcus du Sautoy

Join Marcus as he takes us on a mathematical journey across the centuries and through countries, continents and cultures in search of the games we love to play.  Based on his new book, he looks at the way mathematics has always been deeply intertwined with games and investigates how games themselves can provide us with opportunities for mathematical insight into the world.

From backgammon to chess, Catan to Snakes and Ladders, games are not simply an enjoyable diversion. They are rather the height of human ingenuity. Ours is the species that loves playing games: not homo sapiens but homo ludens.  The lecture is suitable for everyone ‘from age 8 to 108.’  Come and join Marcus on his journey Around the World in 80 Games. You simply can’t lose…

Marcus du Sautoy is Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science in Oxford and Professor of Mathematics.

Please email @email to register.

The lecture will be broadcast on the Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on 24th October at 5pm, and can be watched any time after.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Wed, 13 Sep 2023
Lecture Theatre 1

Four Ways of Thinking: Statistical, Interactive, Chaotic and Complex - David Sumpter

David Sumpter
Further Information

Mathematics is about finding better ways of reasoning. But for many applied mathematicians, the primary mission is to shape their minds in a way that gets them closer to the truth. The calculations are secondary, the real question is: how can we better understand the world around us?

David will take us on a journey through applied mathematics from statistics all the way to complexity theory, lifting examples from his work with football clubs — signing the best players (statistical thinking) or organising an attack (complex thinking) - and from every day life —  bickering less with our partners (interactive thinking) and learning to let go (chaotic thinking). David reimagines applied mathematics as a set of tools for life, from big work decisions to how we treat our friends, family and work colleagues. No problem is too big or too small for a mathematical solution.

Professor David Sumpter is author of five books including Soccermatics (2016), Outnumbered (2018) and Four Ways of Thinking (2023). His research covers everything from the inner workings of fish schools and ant colonies, through social psychology and segregation in society, to machine learning and artificial intelligence. He has consulted for leading football clubs and national teams and has written for The Economist 1843, The Telegraph, The Guardian, Prospect and FourFourTwo magazine.

Please email @email to register.

The lecture will be broadcast on our YouTube Channel exactly three weeks later, 5pm, 4th October and any time after.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for event

Thu, 27 Jul 2023
Lecture Theatre 1

Envisioning Imagination - Roger Penrose, Carlo Rovelli and Conrad Shawcross with Fatos Ustek - SOLD OUT

Further Information

Imagination is the creative force for artists. But what about mathematicians and scientists? What part does imagination play in their work? What do the artist and the scientist have in common? And how do each envision things that will never be seen?

In this panel discussion two scientists and one artist, all leaders in their field, will provide an answer. They have more in common than you would think.

Nobel-prize winning scientist Roger Penrose is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor in Oxford. Carlo Rovelli is a Professor in the Centre de Physique Théorique de Luminy of Aix-Marseille Université and the author of several popular-science books including 'Seven Brief Lesson on Physics'. Conrad Shawcross is an artist specialising in mechanical sculptures based on philosophical and scientific ideas. His exhibition, 'Cascading Principles' is currently showing in the Mathematical Institute.

The discussion will be chaired by curator and writer Fatos Ustek, curator of the 'Cascading Principles' exhibition.

There will be an opportunity to view the exhibition from 4pm on the day of the lecture.

Please email @email to register.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures and the Conrad Shawcross Exhibition are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Wed, 31 May 2023
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

A world from a sheet of paper - Tadashi Tokieda

Tadashi Tokieda
(Stanford University)
Further Information

Starting from just a sheet of paper, by folding, stacking, crumpling, sometimes tearing, Tadashi will explore a diversity of phenomena, from magic tricks and geometry through elasticity and the traditional Japanese art of origami to medical devices and an ‘h-principle’. Much of the show consists of table-top demonstrations, which you can try later with friends and family.

So, take a sheet of paper. . .

Tadashi Tokieda is a professor of mathematics at Stanford.  He grew up as a painter in Japan, became a classical philologist (not to be confused with philosopher) in France and, having earned a PhD in pure mathematics from Princeton, has been an applied mathematician in England and the US; all in all, he has lived in eight countries so far.  Tadashi is very active in mathematical outreach, notably with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences. You'll find him on Numberphile's YouTube channel.

Please email @email to register.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Thu, 18 May 2023
Science Museum, London, SW7

Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture: The Magic of the Primes - James Maynard with Hannah Fry SOLD OUT

James Maynard and Hannah Fry
Further Information

Please note this lecture is at the Science Museum, London, SW7.

In July 2022 Oxford Mathematician James Maynard received the Fields Medal, the highest honour for a mathematician under the age of 40, for his groundbreaking work on prime numbers. In this lecture he will explain the fascinations and frustrations of the primes before sitting down with Hannah to discuss his work and his life. 

Please email @email to register.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Primes image


Thu, 23 Feb 2023
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

Cascading Principles - Conrad Shawcross, Martin Bridson and James Sparks with Fatos Ustek

Conrad Shawcross, James Sparks, Fatos Ustek
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture

Cascading Principles - Conrad Shawcross, Martin Bridson and James Sparks with Fatos Ustek

Thursday 23 February, 2023
5pm - 6.15pm Andrew Wiles Building, Mathematical Institute, Oxford

Cascading Principles is an exhibition of nearly 40 stunning, mathematically inspired sculptures which are living alongside the mathematicians that inspired them in the Andrew Wiles Building, home to Oxford Mathematics. In this 'lecture', chaired by exhibition curator Fatos Ustek, Conrad will talk about what motivates his work, and how the possibilities and uncertainties of science inform his art. In turn, mathematicians Martin Bridson and James Sparks will describe how a mathematician responds to art motivated by their subject. 

There will be an opportunity to view the exhibition from 4pm on the day of the lecture.

Conrad Shawcross specialises in mechanical sculptures based on philosophical and scientific ideas. He is the youngest living member of the Royal Academy of Arts. James Sparks is Professor of Mathematical Physics and Head of the Mathematical Institute in Oxford. Martin Bridson is Whitehead Professor of Pure Mathematics in Oxford and President of the Clay Mathematics Institute. Fatos Ustek is a curator and writer and a leading voice in contemporary art.

Please email @email to register.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures and the Conrad Shawcross Exhibition are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for lecture

Tue, 13 Dec 2022
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

Anyone for a mince pi? Mathematical modelling of festive foods - Helen Wilson

Helen Wilson
(University College London)
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Christmas Public Lecture

In this talk we'll look at a variety of delicious delights through a lens of fluid dynamics and mathematical modelling. From perfect roast potatoes to sweet sauces, mathematics gets everywhere!

Helen Wilson is Head of the Department of Mathematics at UCL. She is best known for her work on the chocolate fountain (which will feature in this lecture) but does do serious mathematical modelling as well.

Please email @email to register. The lecture will be followed by mince pies and drinks for all.

This lecture will be available on our Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel at 5pm on 20th December.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for lecture

Wed, 02 Nov 2022
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG

Signatures of Streams - Professor Terry Lyons

Terry Lyons
Further Information

A calculator processes numbers without caring that these numbers refer to items in our shopping, or the calculations involved in designing an airplane. Number without context is a remarkable abstraction that we learn as infants and which has profoundly affected our world.

Our lives start, progress in complex ways, and are finally complete. So do tasks executed on a computer. Multimodal streams are a pervasive “type”, and even without fixing the context, have a rich structure. Developing this structure leads to wide-ranging tools that have had award-winning impact on methodology in health care, finance, and computer technology.

Terry Lyons is Professor of Mathematics in Oxford and a Fellow of St Anne's CollegeHis research is supported through the DataSig and Cimda-Oxford programmes.

Please email @email to register.

The lecture will be available on our Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on 09 November at 5 pm.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Wed, 05 Oct 2022
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

The million-dollar shuffle: symmetry and complexity - Colva Roney-Dougal

Colva Roney-Dougal
(University of St Andrews)
Further Information

In 1936, Alan Turing proved the startling result that not all mathematical problems can be solved algorithmically. For those which can be, we still do not always know when there's a clever technique which could give us the answer quickly. In particular, the famous "P = NP" question asks whether, for problems where the correct solution has a proof which can easily be checked, in fact there's a quick way to find the answer.

Many difficult problems become easier if they have symmetries: finding the shortest route to deliver many parcels would be easy if all the houses were neatly arranged in a circle. This lecture will explore the interactions between symmetry and complexity.

Colva Roney-Dougal is Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of St Andrews and Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Computational Algebra.

Please email @email to register.

The lecture will be available on our Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on 12 October at 5 pm.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Thu, 15 Sep 2022

17:00 - 18:00
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

A mathematical journey through scales - Martin Hairer

Martin Hairer
(Imperial College)
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture

A mathematical journey through scales - Martin Hairer

The tiny world of particles and atoms and the gigantic world of the entire universe are separated by about forty orders of magnitude. As we move from one to the other, the laws of nature can behave in drastically different ways, sometimes obeying quantum physics, general relativity, or Newton’s classical mechanics, not to mention other intermediate theories.

Understanding the transformations that take place from one scale to another is one of the great classical questions in mathematics and theoretical physics, one that still hasn't been fully resolved. In this lecture, we will explore how these questions still inform and motivate interesting problems in probability theory and why so-called toy models, despite their superficially playful character, can sometimes lead to certain quantitative predictions.

Professor Martin Hairer is Professor of Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2014.

Please email @email to register.

The lecture will be available on our Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on 22 September at 5 pm.

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Banner for lecture

Thu, 12 May 2022

17:00 - 18:00
Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

Communicating Complex Statistical Ideas to the Public: Lessons from the Pandemic - David Spiegelhalter

David Spiegelhalter
(University of Cambridge)
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture

Communicating Complex Statistical Ideas to the Public: Lessons from the Pandemic - David Spiegelhalter

In-person:Thursday 12 May, 5.00-6.00pm, Mathematical Institute, Oxford

Online: Thursday 19 May, 5.00-6.00pm, Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel

The pandemic has demonstrated how important data becomes at a time of crisis. But statistics are tricky: they don't always mean what we think they mean, there are many subtle pitfalls, and some people misrepresent their message. Their interpretation is an art. David will describe efforts at communicating about statistics during the pandemic, including both successes and dismal failures.

Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter FRS OBE is Chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at the University of Cambridge, which aims to improve the way that statistical evidence is used by health professionals, patients, lawyers and judges, media and policy-makers. He has been very busy over the Covid crisis. His bestselling book, The Art of Statistics, was published in March 2019, and Covid by Numbers came out in October 2021. He was knighted in 2014 for services to medical statistics.

Please email @email to register for the in-person event (the online screening requires no registration).

The lecture will be available on our Oxford Mathematics YouTube Channel on 19th May at 5pm (and can be watched any time after that).

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Lecture banner

Thu, 17 Mar 2022

17:00 - 18:15

Deep Maths - machine learning and mathematics

Alex Davies, Andras Juhasz, Marc Lackenby, Geordie Williamson
Further Information

In December 2021 mathematicians at Oxford and Sydney universities together with their collaborators at DeepMind announced that they had successfully used tools from machine learning to discover new patterns in mathematics. But what exactly had they done and what are its implications for the future of mathematics and mathematicians?

This online event will feature short talks from each of the four collaborators explaining their work followed by a panel discussion addressing its wider implications.

The speakers:
Alex Davies - DeepMind
Andras Juhasz - University of Oxford
Marc Lackenby - University of Oxford
Geordie Williamson - University of Sydney

The panel will be chaired by Jon Keating, Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy in Oxford.

This is an online only lecture which every one is free to watch:
Oxford Mathematics YouTube

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Tue, 06 Jul 2021

17:00 - 18:00

Mathemalchemy: a mathematical and artistic adventure - Ingrid Daubechies

Ingrid Daubechies
(Duke University)
Further Information

A collaborative art installation celebrating the joy, creativity and beauty of mathematics has been in the works for the past two years, and will soon be ready to emerge from its long gestation. The original idea, conceived by textile artist Dominique Ehrmann and mathematician Ingrid Daubechies inspired a team of 24 Mathemalchemists to work together, transforming the whole conception in the process, and bringing their individual expertise and whimsy to a large installation.

Despite the challenges of Covid-19, the team created a fantasy world where herons haul up nets loaded with special knots in the Knotical scene, a tortoise meditates while ambling along Zeno's path, chipmunks and squirrels ponder the mysteries of prime numbers, and a cat named Arnold bakes cookies that tile the plane in the Mandelbrot bakery; and a myriad more mathematical ideas swirl through the air.

This presentation will introduce some of the ideas and components, and show the team at work. Here's a sneak preview:

Multi-award winning Ingrid Daubechies is James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University.

Watch (no need to register and it will remain available after broadcast):
Oxford Mathematics YouTube

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

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Tue, 25 May 2021

17:00 - 19:15

I is a Strange Loop - Written and performed by Marcus du Sautoy and Victoria Gould

Marcus du Sautoy and Victoria Gould
(University of Oxford)
Further Information
Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture in partnership with Faber Members
Tuesday 25 May 2021

From the creative ensemble behind Complicité’s sensational A Disappearing Number, this two-hander unfolds to reveal an intriguing take on mortality, consciousness and artificial life. Alone in a cube that glows in the darkness, X is content with its infinite universe and abstract thought. But then Y appears, insisting they interact, exposing X to Y's sensory and physical existence. Each begins to hanker after what the other has until a remarkable thing happens … involving a strange loop. 

After the screening and to coincide with publication of the script by Faber, Marcus and Victoria are joined by Simon McBurney, founder of Complicite, to discuss the play and mathematics and theatre.

A discount of 25 per cent on the playtext is available from using the code LOOP25 from May 20.

Watch (no need to register and it will remain available after broadcast):

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Tue, 16 Mar 2021

17:00 - 18:00

From one extreme to another: the statistics of extreme events - Jon Keating

Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture
Tuesday 16 March 2021

Jon Keating will discuss the statistics of rare, extreme events in various contexts, including: evaluating performance at the Olympics; explaining how glasses freeze; illustrating why computers are more effective than expected at learning; and understanding the Riemann zeta-function, the mathematical object that encodes the mysterious distribution of the prime numbers. 

Jon Keating is Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Oxford and a Fellow of The Queen's College.

Watch live (no need to register and it will stay up afterwards):

Oxford Mathematics Twitter
Oxford Mathematics Facebook
Oxford Mathematics Livestream
Oxford Mathematics YouTube

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures are generously supported by XTX Markets.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021

17:00 - 18:30

Spacetime Singularities - Roger Penrose, Dennis Lehmkuhl & Melvyn Bragg

(University of Oxford and University of Bonn)
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics Online Public Lecture in Partnership with Wadham College celebrating Roger Penrose's Nobel Prize

Spacetime Singularities - Roger Penrose, Dennis Lehmkuhl and Melvyn Bragg
Tuesday 16 February 2021

Dennis Lehmkuhl: From Schwarzschild’s singularity and Hadamard’s catastrophe to Penrose’s trapped surfaces
Roger Penrose: Spacetime singularities - to be or not to be?
Roger Penrose & Melvyn Bragg: In conversation

What are spacetime singularities? Do they exist in nature or are they artefacts of our theoretical reasoning? Most importantly, if we accept the general theory of relativity, our best theory of space, time, and gravity, do we then also have to accept the existence of spacetime singularities?

In this special lecture, Sir Roger Penrose, 2020 Nobel Laureate for Physics, will give an extended version of his Nobel Prize Lecture, describing his path to the first general singularity theorem of general relativity, and to the ideas that sprung from this theorem, notably the basis for the existence of Black Holes. He will be introduced by Dennis Lehmkuhl whose talk will describe how the concept of a spacetime singularity developed prior to Roger's work, in work by Einstein and others, and how much of a game changer the first singularity theorem really was.

The lectures will be followed by an interview with Roger by Melvyn Bragg.

Roger Penrose is the 2020 Nobel Laureate for Physics and Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor in Oxford; Dennis Lehmkuhl is Lichtenberg Professor of History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn and one of the Editors of Albert Einstein's Collected Papers: Melvyn Bragg is a broadcaster and author best known for his work as editor and presenter of the South Bank Show and In Our Time.

Watch online (no need to register - and the lecture will stay up on all channels afterwards):
Oxford Mathematics Twitter
Oxford Mathematics Facebook
Oxford Mathematics Livestream
Oxford Mathematics YouTube

The Oxford Mathematics Public Lecture are generously supported by XTX Markets

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