Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 30 Oct 2023
Mary Sunley Lecture Theatre, St Catherine's College

The Alan Tayler Lecture 2023 - The Maths (and Engineering) of Moving People and Things Around

Eddie Wilson
(St Catherine's College)
Further Information

St Catherine’s College has a long tradition in applied and industrial mathematics and has hosted an annual series of lectures on Mathematics and its Applications since 1986. In 1995, the series was renamed in memory of Alan Tayler, in tribute to his efforts and achievements in this field. Alan was the first Fellow in Applied Mathematics to be appointed at St Catherine’s. His lifelong commitment was to the practical application of mathematical ideas to problems in science and industry. His vision continues to inspire many national and international collaborations on the theme of mathematics-in-industry.

Registration: this event has limited capacity so it is recommended to register to confirm a space. To sign up to this event please complete the form.

Mon, 20 Nov 2017
St Catherine's

Optimization in the Darkness of Uncertainty when you don't know what you don't know, and what you do know isn't much!

Professor Kate Smith-Miles
(University of Melbourne)

Many industrial optimisation problems involve the challenging task of efficiently searching for optimal decisions from a huge set of possible combinations. The optimal solution is the one that best optimises a set of objectives or goals, such as maximising productivity while minimising costs. If we have a nice mathematical equation for how each objective depends on the decisions we make, then we can usually employ standard mathematical approaches, such as calculus, to find the optimal solution. But what do we do when we have no idea how our decisions affect the objectives, and thus no equations? What if all we have is a small set of experiments, where we have tried to measure the effect of some decisions? How do we make use of this limited information to try to find the best decisions?

This talk will present a common industrial optimisation problem, known as expensive black box optimisation, through a case study from the manufacturing sector. For problems like this, calculus can’t help, and trial and error is not an option! We will introduce some methods and tools for tackling expensive black-box optimisation. Finally, we will discuss new methodologies for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of optimisation methods, to ensure the right method is selected for the right problem.

Mon, 23 Nov 2015

17:00 - 18:00
St Catherine's

How Long is a Piece of Spacetime

Professor Philip Bond
(Quantitative Software Consulting)

 On November 25th 1915 Albert Einstein submitted his famous paper on the General Theory of Relativity. David Hilbert also derived the General Theory in November 1915 using quite different methods. In the same year Emmy Noether derived her remarkable ‘Noether’s Theorem’ which lies at the heart of much modern Physics. 1915 was a very good vintage indeed. We will take a brief walking tour of General Relativity using some of the ideas of Noether, Hilbert and Einstein to examine gravitational redshift, gravitational lensing, the impact of General Relativity on GPS systems and high precision atomic clocks, and Black holes all of which can be summarised by asking ‘how long is a piece of spacetime?’ 

Wed, 04 Mar 2015

Analytic Topology in Mathematics and Computer Science - postponed until later date

Martin Escardo

 Voevodsky asked what the topology of the universe is in a 
continuous interpretation of type theory, such as Johnstone's 
topological topos. We can actually give a model-independent answer: it 
is indiscrete. I will briefly introduce "intensional Martin-Loef type 
theory" (MLTT) and formulate and prove this in type theory (as opposed 
to as a meta-theorem about type theory). As an application or corollary, 
I will also deduce an analogue of Rice's Theorem for the universe: the 
universe (the large type of all small types) has no non-trivial 
extensional, decidable properties. Topologically this is the fact that 
it doesn't have any clopens other than the trivial ones.

Mon, 30 Nov 2009
Martin Wood Lecture

Mathematics, Economics and Decision Making

Prof. Lord Desai

Lord Desai will discuss how the use of mathematics in economics is as much a result of formalism as of limited knowledge of mathematics. This will relate to his experience as a teacher and researcher and also speak to the current financial meltdown.

Mon, 24 Nov 2008

Mathematical Modeling In Medicine, Sports and Technology

Professor Alfio Quarteroni
(l'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

In the Gulbenkian Lecture Theatre, St Cross Building, Manor Road.

Tea will be available in the Arumugam Building, St. Catherine's College, from 4.15pm.

Mon, 26 Nov 2007
St Catherine's

Symmetries in Biological and Physical Networks

Prof. Ian Stewart FRS
(University of Warwick)

The symmetries of a dynamical system have a big effect on its typical behaviour. The most obvious effect is pattern formation - the dynamics itself may be symmetric, though often the symmetry of the system is 'broken', and the state has less symmetry than the system. The resulting phenomena are fairly well understood for steady and time-periodic states, and quite a bit can be said for chaotic dynamics. More recently, the concept of 'symmetry' has been generalised to address applications to physical and biological networks. One consequence is a new approach to patterns of synchrony and phase relations. The lecture will describe some of the high points of the emerging theories, including applications to evolution, locomotion, human balance and fluid dynamics.