Forthcoming events in this series

Tue, 05 Jun 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Finite volume element methods: An overview

Prof Sarvesh Kumar
(Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology)

In this talk, first we  address the convergence issues of a standard finite volume element method (FVEM) applied to simple elliptic problems. Then, we discuss discontinuous finite volume element methods (DFVEM) for elliptic problems  with emphasis on  computational and theoretical  advantages over the standard FVEM. Further, we present a natural extension of DFVEM employed for the elliptic problem to the Stokes problems. We also discuss suitability of these methods for the approximation of incompressible miscible displacement problems.

Tue, 29 May 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Optimisation of a Steam Turbine Blade Path

Jonathan Grant-Peters

The vast majority of the world's electricity is generated by converting thermal energy into electric energy by use of a steam turbine. Siemens are one of the worlds leading manufacturers of such
turbines, and aim to design theirs to be as efficient as possible. Using an internally built software, Siemens can estimate the efficiency which would result from a turbine design. In this presentation, we present the approaches that have been taken to improve turbine design using mathematical optimisation software. In particular, we focus on the failings of the approach currently taken, the obstacles in place which make solving this problem difficult, and the approach we intend to take to find a locally optimal solution.

Tue, 29 May 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Formulations of Inverse Problems

Chris Farmer
(Oxford University)

This talk will review the main Tikhonov and Bayesian smoothing formulations of inverse problems for dynamical systems with partially observed variables and parameters. The main contenders: strong-constraint, weak-constraint and penalty function formulations will be described. The relationship between these formulations and associated optimisation problems will be revealed.  To close we will indicate techniques for maintaining sparsity and for quantifying uncertainty.

Tue, 22 May 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Proximal methods for Mean Field Games with local couplings

Dr Dante Kalise
(Imperial College)

In this talk we address the numerical approximation of Mean Field Games with local couplings. For finite difference discretizations of the Mean Field Game system, we follow a variational approach, proving that the schemes can be obtained as the optimality system of suitably defined optimization problems. In order to prove the existence of solutions of the scheme with a variational argument, the monotonicity of the coupling term is not used, which allow us to recover general existence results. Next, assuming next that the coupling term is monotone, the variational problem is cast as a convex optimization problem for which we study and compare several proximal type methods. These algorithms have several interesting features, such as global convergence and stability with respect to the viscosity parameter. We conclude by presenting numerical experiments assessing the performance of the proposed methods. In collaboration with L. Briceno-Arias (Valparaiso, CL) and F. J. Silva (Limoges, FR).

Tue, 22 May 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Storage optimal semidefinite programming

Volkan Cevher
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))

Semidefinite convex optimization problems often have low-rank solutions that can be represented with O(p)-storage. However, semidefinite programming methods require us to store the matrix decision variable with size O(p^2), which prevents the application of virtually all convex methods at large scale.

Indeed, storage, not arithmetic computation, is now the obstacle that prevents us from solving large- scale optimization problems. A grand challenge in contemporary optimization is therefore to design storage-optimal algorithms that provably and reliably solve large-scale optimization problems in key scientific and engineering applications. An algorithm is called storage optimal if its working storage is within a constant factor of the memory required to specify a generic problem instance and its solution.

So far, convex methods have completely failed to satisfy storage optimality. As a result, the literature has largely focused on storage optimal non-convex methods to obtain numerical solutions. Unfortunately, these algorithms have been shown to be provably correct only under unverifiable and unrealistic statistical assumptions on the problem template. They can also sacrifice the key benefits of convexity, as they do not use key convex geometric properties in their cost functions.

To this end, my talk introduces a new convex optimization algebra to obtain numerical solutions to semidefinite programs with a low-rank matrix streaming model. This streaming model provides us an opportunity to integrate sketching as a new tool for developing storage optimal convex optimization methods that go beyond semidefinite programming to more general convex templates. The resulting algorithms are expected to achieve unparalleled results for scalable matrix optimization problems in signal processing, machine learning, and computer science.

Tue, 15 May 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Solving the Schrödinger equation with a time-dependent potential

Pranav Singh

The Schrödinger equation with a time-dependent potential occurs in a wide range of applications in theoretical chemistry, quantum physics and quantum computing. In this talk I will discuss a variety of Magnus expansion based schemes that have been found to be highly effective for numerically solving these equations since the pioneering work of Tal Ezer and Kosloff in the early 90s. Recent developments in the field focus on approximation of the exponential of the Magnus expansion via exponential splittings including some asymptotic splittings and commutator-free splittings that are designed specifically for this task.

I will also present a very recently developed methodology for the case of laser-matter interaction. This methodology allows us to extend any fourth-order scheme for Schrödinger equation with time-independent potential to a fourth-order method for Schrödinger equation with laser potential with little to no additional cost. These fourth-order methods improve upon many leading schemes of order six due to their low costs and small error constants.


Tue, 15 May 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Perfectly matched layers: how to stop making (unwanted) waves

Radu Cimpeanu

Many problems that involve the propagation of time-harmonic waves are naturally posed in unbounded domains. For instance, a common problem in the are a of acoustic scattering is the determination of the sound field that is generated when an incoming time-harmonic wave (which is assumed to arrive ``from infinity'') impinges onto a solid body (the scatterer). The boundary
conditions to be applied on the surface of the scatterer (most often of Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin type) tend to be easy to enforce in most numerical solution schemes. Conversely, the imposition of a suitable decay condition (typically a variant of the Sommerfeld radiation condition), which is required to ensure the well-posedness of the solution, is considerably more involved. As a result, many numerical schemes generate spurious reflections from the outer boundary of the finite computational domain.

Perfectly matched layers (PMLs) are in this context a versatile alternative to the usage of classical approaches such as employing absorbing boundary conditions or Dirichlet-to-Neumann mappings, but unfortunately most PML formulations contain adjustable parameters which have to be optimised to give the best possible performance for a particular problem. In this talk I will present a parameter-free PML formulation for the case of the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated via extensive numerical experiments, involving domains with smooth and polygonal boundaries, different solution types (smooth and singular, planar and non-planar waves), and a wide range of wavenumbers (R. Cimpeanu, A. Martinsson and M.Heil, J. Comp. Phys., 296, 329-347 (2015)). Possible extensions and generalisations will also be touched upon.

Tue, 08 May 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for anti-diffusive fractional equations

Afaf Bouharguane
(Bordeaux University)

We consider numerical methods for solving  time dependent partial differential equations with convection-diffusion terms and anti-diffusive fractional operator of order $\alpha \in (1,2)$. These equations are motivated by two distinct applications: a dune morphodynamics model and a signal filtering method. 
We propose numerical schemes based on local discontinuous Galerkin methods to approximate the solutions of these equations. Numerical stability and convergence of these schemes are investigated. 
Finally numerical experiments are given to illustrate qualitative behaviors of solutions for both applications and to confirme the convergence results. 

Tue, 08 May 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Discontinuous Galerkin method for the Oseen problem with mixed boundary conditions: a priori and aposteriori error analyses

Nour Seloula

We introduce and analyze a discontinuous Galerkin method for the Oseen equations in two dimension spaces. The boundary conditions are mixed and they are assumed to be of three different types:
the vorticity  and the normal component of the velocity are given on a first part of the boundary, the pressure and the tangential component of the velocity are given on a second part of the boundary and the Dirichlet condition is given on the remainder part . We establish a priori error estimates in the energy norm for the velocity and in the L2 norm for the pressure. An a posteriori error estimate is also carried out yielding optimal convergence rate. The analysis is based on rewriting the method in a non-consistent manner using lifting operators in the spirit of Arnold, Brezzi, Cockburn and Marini.

Tue, 01 May 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Weakly-normal basis vector fields in RKHS with an application to shape Newton methods

Alberto Paganini

We construct a space of vector fields that are normal to differentiable curves in the plane. Its basis functions are defined via saddle point variational problems in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs). First, we study the properties of these basis vector fields and show how to approximate them. Then, we employ this basis to discretise shape Newton methods and investigate the impact of this discretisation on convergence rates.

Tue, 01 May 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Scalable Least-Squares Minimisation for Bundle Adjustment Problem

Lindon Roberts

Structure from Motion (SfM) is a problem which asks: given photos of an object from different angles, can we reconstruct the object in 3D? This problem is important in computer vision, with applications including urban planning and autonomous navigation. A key part of SfM is bundle adjustment, where initial estimates of 3D points and camera locations are refined to match the images. This results in a high-dimensional nonlinear least-squares problem, which is typically solved using the Gauss-Newton method. In this talk, I will discuss how dimensionality reduction methods such as block coordinates and randomised sketching can be used to improve the scalability of Gauss-Newton for bundle adjustment problems.

Tue, 24 Apr 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Randomized algorithms for computing full, rank-revealing factorizations

Abinand Gopal

Over the past decade, the randomized singular value decomposition (RSVD) algorithm has proven to be an efficient, reliable alternative to classical algorithms for computing low-rank approximations in a number of applications. However, in cases where no information is available on the singular value decay of the data matrix or the data matrix is known to be close to full-rank, the RSVD is ineffective. In recent years, there has been great interest in randomized algorithms for computing full factorizations that excel in this regime.  In this talk, we will give a brief overview of some key ideas in randomized numerical linear algebra and introduce a new randomized algorithm for computing a full, rank-revealing URV factorization.

Tue, 24 Apr 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Block preconditioners for non-isothermal flow through porous media

Thomas Roy

In oil and gas reservoir simulation, standard preconditioners involve solving a restricted pressure system with AMG. Initially designed for isothermal models, this approach is often used in the thermal case. However, it does not incorporate heat diffusion or the effects of temperature changes on fluid flow through viscosity and density. We seek to develop preconditioners which consider this cross-coupling between pressure and temperature. In order to study the effects of both pressure and temperature on fluid and heat flow, we first consider a model of non-isothermal single phase flow through porous media. By focusing on single phase flow, we are able to isolate the properties of the pressure-temperature subsystem. We present a numerical comparison of different preconditioning approaches including block preconditioners.

Thu, 22 Mar 2018

14:00 - 15:00

The Usefulness of a Modified Restricted Isometry Property

Simon Foucart
(Texas A&M University)

The restricted isometry property is arguably the most prominent tool in the theory of compressive sensing. In its classical version, it features l_2 norms as inner and outer norms. The modified version considered in this talk features the l_1 norm as the inner norm, while the outer norm depends a priori on the distribution of the random entries populating the measurement matrix.  The modified version holds for a wider class of random matrices and still accounts for the success of sparse recovery via basis pursuit and via iterative hard thresholding. In the special case of Gaussian matrices, the outer norm actually reduces to an l_2 norm. This fact allows one to retrieve results from the theory of one-bit compressive sensing in a very simple way. Extensions to one-bit matrix recovery are then straightforward.

Tue, 06 Mar 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Predicting diagnosis and cognitive measures for Alzheimer’s disease

Paul Moore
(Oxford University)

Forecasting a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is a promising means of selection for clinical trials of Alzheimer’s disease therapies. A positive PET scan is commonly used as part of the inclusion criteria for clinical trials, but PET imaging is expensive, so when a positive scan is one of the trial inclusion criteria it is desirable to avoid screening failures. In this talk I will describe a scheme for pre-selecting participants using statistical learning methods, and investigate how brain regions change as the disease progresses.  As a means of generating features I apply the Chen path signature. This is a systematic way of providing feature sets for multimodal data that can probe the nonlinear interactions in the data as an extension of the usual linear features. While it can easily perform a traditional analysis, it can also probe second and higher order events for their predictive value. Combined with Lasso regularisation one can auto detect situations where the observed data has nonlinear information.

Tue, 06 Mar 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Achieving high performance through effective vectorisation

Oliver Sheridan-Methven

The latest CPUs by Intel and ARM support vectorised operations, where a single set of instructions (e.g. add, multiple, bit shift, XOR, etc.) are performed in parallel for small batches of data. This can provide great performance improvements if each parallel instruction performs the same operation, but carries the risk of performance loss if each needs to perform different tasks (e.g. if else conditions). I will present the work I have done so far looking into how to recover the full performance of the hardware, and some of the challenges faced when trading off between ever larger parallel tasks, risks of tasks diverging, and how certain coding styles might be modified for memory bandwidth limited applications. Examples will be taken from finance and Monte Carlo applications, inspecting some standard maths library functions and possibly random number generation.

Tue, 27 Feb 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Low-rank plus Sparse matrix recovery and matrix rigidity

Simon Vary
(Oxford University)

Low-rank plus sparse matrices arise in many data-oriented applications, most notably in a foreground-background separation from a moving camera. It is known that low-rank matrix recovery from a few entries (low-rank matrix completion) requires low coherence (Candes et al 2009) as in the extreme cases when the low-rank matrix is also sparse, where matrix completion can miss information and be unrecoverable. However, the requirement of low coherence does not suffice in the low-rank plus sparse model, as the set of low-rank plus sparse matrices is not closed. We will discuss the relation of non-closedness of the low-rank plus sparse model to the notion of matrix rigidity function in complexity theory.

Tue, 27 Feb 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Finite element approximation of the flow of incompressible fluids with implicit constitutive law

Tabea Tscherpel

The object of this talk is a class of generalised Newtonian fluids with implicit constitutive law.
Both in the steady and the unsteady case, existence of weak solutions was proven by Bul\'\i{}\v{c}ek et al. (2009, 2012) and the main challenge is the small growth exponent qq and the implicit law.
I will discuss the application of a splitting and regularising strategy to show convergence of FEM approximations to weak solutions of the flow. 
In the steady case this allows to cover the full range of growth exponents and thus generalises existing work of Diening et al. (2013). If time permits, I will also address the unsteady case.
This is joint work with Endre Suli.

Tue, 20 Feb 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Sparse non-negative super-resolution - simplified and stabilised

Bogdan Toader

We consider the problem of localising non-negative point sources, namely finding their locations and amplitudes from noisy samples which consist of the convolution of the input signal with a known kernel (e.g. Gaussian). In contrast to the existing literature, which focuses on TV-norm minimisation, we analyse the feasibility problem. In the presence of noise, we show that the localised error is proportional to the level of noise and depends on the distance between each source and the closest samples. This is achieved using duality and considering the spectrum of the associated sampling matrix.

Tue, 20 Feb 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Inverse Problems in Electrochemistry

Katherine Gillow
(Oxford University)

A simple experiment in the field of electrochemistry involves  controlling the applied potential in an electrochemical cell. This  causes electron transfer to take place at the electrode surface and in turn this causes a current to flow. The current depends on parameters in  the system and the inverse problem requires us to estimate these  parameters given an experimental trace of the current. We briefly  describe recent work in this area from simple least squares approximation of the parameters, through bootstrapping to estimate the distributions of the parameters, to MCMC methods which allow us to see correlations between parameters.

Tue, 13 Feb 2018

14:30 - 15:00

From Convolutional Sparse Coding to Deep Sparsity and Neural Networks

Jeremias Sulam
(Technion Israel)

Within the wide field of sparse approximation, convolutional sparse coding (CSC) has gained considerable attention in the computer vision and machine learning communities. While several works have been devoted to the practical aspects of this model, a systematic theoretical understanding of CSC seems to have been left aside. In this talk, I will present a novel analysis of the CSC problem based on the observation that, while being global, this model can be characterized and analyzed locally. By imposing only local sparsity conditions, we show that uniqueness of solutions, stability to noise contamination and success of pursuit algorithms are globally guaranteed. I will then present a Multi-Layer extension of this model and show its close relation to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This connection brings a fresh view to CNNs, as one can attribute to this architecture theoretical claims under local sparse assumptions, which shed light on ways of improving the design and implementation of these networks. Last, but not least, we will derive a learning algorithm for this model and demonstrate its applicability in unsupervised settings.

Tue, 13 Feb 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Cubic Regularization Method Revisited: Quadratic Convergence to Degenerate Solutions and Applications to Phase Retrieval and Low-rank Matrix Recovery

Man-Chung Yue
(Imperial College)

In this talk, we revisit the cubic regularization (CR) method for solving smooth non-convex optimization problems and study its local convergence behaviour. In their seminal paper, Nesterov and Polyak showed that the sequence of iterates of the CR method converges quadratically a local minimum under a non-degeneracy assumption, which implies that the local minimum is isolated. However, many optimization problems from applications such as phase retrieval and low-rank matrix recovery have non-isolated local minima. In the absence of the non-degeneracy assumption, the result was downgraded to the superlinear convergence of function values. In particular, they showed that the sequence of function values enjoys a superlinear convergence of order 4/3 (resp. 3/2) if the function is gradient dominated (resp. star-convex and globally non-degenerate). To remedy the situation, we propose a unified local error bound (EB) condition and show that the sequence of iterates of the CR method converges quadratically a local minimum under the EB condition. Furthermore, we prove that the EB condition holds if the function is gradient dominated or if it is star-convex and globally non-degenerate, thus improving the results of Nesterov and Polyak in three aspects: weaker assumption, faster rate and iterate instead of function value convergence. Finally, we apply our results to two concrete non-convex optimization problems that arise from phase retrieval and low-rank matrix recovery. For both problems, we prove that with overwhelming probability, the local EB condition is satisfied and the CR method converges quadratically to a global optimizer. We also present some numerical results on these two problems.

Tue, 06 Feb 2018

14:30 - 15:00

The number of distinct eigenvalues of a matrix after perturbation

Patrick Farrell
(Oxford University)

The question of what happens to the eigenvalues of a matrix after an additive perturbation has a long history, with notable contributions from Wilkinson, Sorensen, Golub, H\"ormander, Ipsen and Mehrmann, among many others. If the perturbed matrix $C \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$ is given by $C = A + B$, these theorems typically consider the case where $A$ and/or $B$ are symmetric and $B$ has rank one. In this talk we will prove a theorem that bounds the number of distinct eigenvalues of $C$ in terms of the number of distinct eigenvalues of $A$, the diagonalisability of $A$, and the rank of $B$. This new theorem is more general in that it applies to arbitrary matrices $A$ perturbed by matrices of arbitrary rank $B$. We will also discuss various refinements of my bound recently developed by other authors.

Tue, 06 Feb 2018

14:00 - 14:30

Finite element approximation of chemically reacting non-Newtonian fluids

Seungchan Ko

We consider a system of nonlinear partial differential equations modelling the steady motion of an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid, which is chemically reacting. The governing system consists of a steady convection-diffusion equation for the concentration and the generalized steady Navier–Stokes equations, where the viscosity coefficient is a power-law type function of the shear-rate, and the coupling between the equations results from the concentration-dependence of the power-law index. This system of nonlinear partial differential equations arises in mathematical models of the synovial fluid found in the cavities of moving joints. We construct a finite element approximation of the model and perform the mathematical analysis of the numerical method. Key technical tools include discrete counterparts of the Bogovski operator, De Giorgi’s regularity theorem and the Acerbi–Fusco Lipschitz truncation of Sobolev functions, in function spaces with variable integrability exponents.

Tue, 30 Jan 2018

14:30 - 15:00

Study of Newton Method on singularity of Vector Fields

Jinyun Yuan

In this talk we discuss the convergence rate of the Newton method for finding the singularity point on vetor fields. It is well-known that the Newton Method has local quadratic convergence rate with nonsingularity and Lipschitz condition. Here we release Lipschitz condition. With only nonsingularity, the Newton Method has superlinear convergence. If we have enough time, we can quickly give the damped Newton method on finding singularity on vector fields with superlinear convergence under nonsingularity condition only.