Machine Learning and Data Science

The research areas of the Machine Learning and Data Science group include deep learning, machine learning, reinforcement learning, optimisation, topological data analysis, and random matrix theory.  

Data science is an inherently interdisciplinary research area, both crossing academic disciplines and tying in with the various research groups with in the Mathematical Institute.  Members of the Mathematical Data Science group are also members of other research groups across the applied and fundamental mathematics spectrum. 

Information on courses, events, and seminars aligned with the data science research group are available on the tabs to the left of this text.

The Mathematical Institute is a founding mathematical partner of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national data science institute.

Members of the Mathematical Data Science group are also leading the following large data science initiatives:


 Further information on the data science research of our faculty is available here


Last updated on 23 Feb 2024, 3:29pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.