Papers written or co-written by OxPDE CDT Students


2021-01 Structural Landscapes in Geometrically Frustrated Smectics by Y J. Xia, S. MacLachlan, T. J. Atherton & P. E. Farrell.pdf

2021-02 One-dimensional ferronematics in a channel order reconstruction, bifurcations and multistability by J. Dalby, P. E. Farrell, A. Majumdar & J. Xia.pdf

2021-03 Computing multiple solutions of topology optimization problems by Ioannis P. A. Papadopoulos, Patrick E. Farrell & Thomas M. Surowiec.pdf

2021-04 Finite-time Degeneration for Variants of Teichm Tuller Harmonic Map Flow by Craig Robertson and Melanie Rupflin.pdf

2021-05 Neural SDEs as Infinite-Dimensional GANs by Patrick Kidger, James Foster, Xuechen Li, Harald Oberhauser & Terry Lyons.pdf

2021-06 “Hey, that’s not an ODE” Faster ODE Adjoints via Seminorms by Patrick Kidger, Ricky T. Q. Chen & Terry Lyons.pdf

2021-07 Neural Rough Differential Equations for Long Time Series by James Morrill, Cristopher Salvi, Patrick Kidger, James Foster & Terry Lyons.pdf

2021-08 Signatory Differentiable Computations of the Signature and Logsignature Transforms, on both CPU & GPU by Patrick Kidger & Terry Lyons.pdf

2021-09 Structural Landscapes in Geometrically Frustrated Smectics by Jingmin Xia, Scott MacLachlan, Timothy J. Atherton & Patrick E. Farrell.pdf



2020-01 Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Irregular Time Series by Patrick Kidger, James Morrill, James Foster & Terry Lyons.pdf

2020-02 Generalised Interpretable Shapelets for Irregular Time Series by Patrick Kidger, James Morrill & Terry Lyons.pdf

2020-03 A Generalised Signature Method for Multivariate Time Series Feature Extraction by James Morrill, Adeline Fermanian, Patrick Kidger & Terry Lyons.pdf

2020-04 Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Irregular Time Series by Patrick Kidger, James Morrill, James Foster & Terry Lyons.pdf



2019-01 Deep Signature Transforms - Patric Bonnier, Patrick Kidger, Imanol Arribas & Terry Lyons.pdf



Last updated on 2 Apr 2024, 11:32am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.