OxPDE Background
OxPDE Centre Background
The Oxford Centre for Nonlinear PDE (OxPDE) was established in October 2007 after receiving a Science and Innovation award from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The centre, led by Professor John Ball FRS (2007-18) and Professor Gui-Qiang G. Chen (2018-Present) and based at the Mathematical Institute, aims to create a vibrant and stimulating research environment and provide leadership in the area of nonlinear PDEs within the UK.
The Centre focuses on the fundamental analysis of PDEs, and numerical algorithms for their solution, together with specific PDEs arising in areas as wide-ranging as geometry, relativity, finance, image analysis, learning processes and fluid mechanics, including geophysical, biological and polymeric flows.
The Centre is involved with the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Applications.
Members of the Centre are also involved in the the Oxbridge (Oxford & Cambridge) research team, which is a national node of the EPSRC Network "Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs" spreading across the UK; in the Oxford–Warwick research team which is part of interdisciplinary network named MULTIMAT a research and training network which links several groups across Europe; and in the Oxford Solid Mechanics initiative.
You can find out more about individual members and their research interests by looking at their web page, which can be accessed from our Members page.