This page is designed to allow Bryce's peers, collaborators, students and whose who admire his work to dedicate a paper to him.


"Bryce considered himself a problem-solving mathematician rather than a builder of general theories. He liked to focus on a specific hard problem and to find something new to say about it that was at the same time rigorous, interesting and useful....

He had long-lasting and productive collaborations with very many distinguished mathematicians, both applied analysts like himself and modellers whose differential equation had caught his interest: he was always interested to look at new problems unearthed by colleagues working in a more applications-focused way."

Sam Howison August 2014.





Publication List of Bryce McLeod

Bryce published over 150 papers. A list of 87 papers from 2013 back to 1982 can be found at MathSciNet (license to MathSciNet is required). Some of his most cited papers are:

The approach of solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations to travelling front solutions

PC Fife, JB McLeod - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 1977 - Springer

A boundary value problem associated with the second Painlevé transcendent and the Korteweg-de Vries equation

SP Hastings, JB Mcleod - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 1980 - Springer

Existence and uniqueness of travelling waves for a neural network

GB Ermentrout, JB McLeod - Proceedings of the Royal …, 1993 - Cambridge Univ Press

On an infinite set of non-linear differential equations

JB McLeod - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 1962 - Oxford Univ Press

On the uniqueness of flow of a Navier-Stokes fluid due to a stretching boundary

JB McLeod, KR Rajagopal - Analysis and Continuum Mechanics, 1989 - Springer

Smooth static solutions of the Einstein/Yang-Mills equations

…, AG Wasserman, ST Yau, JB McLeod - … in mathematical physics, 1991 - Springer
Bryce also co-authored a booked with Stuart Hastings:

Classical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations 

Hastings, Stuart P.; Mcleod J. Bryce

ISBN 13: 9780821846940


Papers in Honour of Bryce McLeod

To submit a paper in dedication to Bryce please send a pdf of the paper to @email. Where the paper has been published, it is your responsibility to obtain consent from the publisher for the paper to be submitted to this website and be available for public access. You will be asked to confirm such consent has been obtained before any publised papers are uploaded to the site.



Useful Links

Royal Society Biographical Memoirs
Bryce McLeod, a Life in Mathematics In conversation with John Ball
Bryce McLeod Memorial Meeting, 30 May 2015


Last updated on 2 Apr 2024, 11:31am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.