Now we are 10 portrait exhibition

How mathematical time flies. The Andrew Wiles Building, home to Oxford Mathematics, was opened in October 2013 and has been instrumental in attracting students, researchers and the wider public to Oxford and to mathematics.

To mark this 10th anniversary, we asked everyone in Oxford Mathematics to nominate people for a series of photographs to celebrate the people who study and work here. Here are the nominations, featuring undergraduates, a Nobel Prize winner, unsung heroes including those who got us through Covid, and a tribute to the people who helped make it happen all those years ago.

Photography by John Cairns. Click image to enlarge.

Alexander Gordon - Deputy Head of Research FacilitationElena Marcu - Facilities Support Assistant Luciana Bonatto, Éloïse Needham, Nikita Handel, Candy Bowtell, Rhiannon Savage - Mathematrix and Mirzakhani Society organisersMariia Dvoriashyna - Postdoctoral Research Associate

Luna Williamson - Undergraduate studentLuna Arthur - Graduate student

Simon Martina - Perez Graduate studentJad Mounayer - Graduate studentHelen Byrne Professor of Mathematical BiologyPhilip Maini Professor of Mathematical BiologyRoger Penrose Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of MathematicsFrances Kirwan Savilian Professor of GeometryGeoffrey Mboya Postdoctoral Research Associate Flora Walker Undergraduate studentWojciech Woloszyn - Graduate studentNick Woodhouse - Head of Department Sam Howison, Mike Giles, Martin Bridson, James Sparks - Heads of DepartmentHelen Cullen - Common Room Assistant Bhargavi Jonnadula - Postdoctoral Research AssociateZakkai Goriely - Undergraduate studentThiziri Nait Saada - Graduate studentFrances Kirwan, Cora Cartis, Xenia de la Ossa - Early Career Researcher AdvisorsVicky Neale (1984-2023) - Whitehead LecturerWaldemar Schlackow, Brenda Willoughby, Chris Breward, Val Timms, Sandy Patel, Keith Gillow, Rosie Mortimer - Long-standing staff members instrumental in the move to the Andrew Wiles Building

Last updated on 18 Sep 2024, 12:30pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.