Examinations and Assessments
Examination Conventions
The examination conventions set out the procedures for the mathematics examinations and cover how written papers will be set, how your work will be assessed and how an overall year outcome or final classification will be arrived at. The examination conventions can be accessed on the undergraduate notices page.
Notices to Candidates
Before your examinations you will receive at least one notice from the examiners explaining how the examinations will be conducted. These notices will also be made available online on the undergraduate notices page.
Examination Timetables
Examination timetables are published on the University's website by the Examination Schools.
Revision Resources
This page contains a collection of revision resources to help you prepare for your exams.
Consultations Sessions
Consultation sessions are arranged in Trinity term for third and fourth year students. The timetable of revision sessions is made available in week 0 Trinity term.
Examiners' Reports
Following an examination, the examiners' write a report which provides statistical information and feedback to the department and the University. Reports on previous examinations are made available to students.
Past Examination Papers and Specimen Solutions
The official archive of examination papers is maintained by the University. The department also publishes copies of past papers. The department’s policy is to release solutions to exams held in even numbered years, dating back to at least 2016. Links to exam solutions and to specimen solutions can be found here: Part A, Part B, Part C. Solutions to exams held in odd numbered years are not released. This is designed to strike the balance between students having access to past solutions for revision and use of past papers for other activities including College collections. The exception to this are the 2019 solutions, which were released as a mitigating measure during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Examination Prizes
Prizes are awarded for performance in the examinations. The list of previous prize winners can be found here.