Students staying on to take Part C will take at least eight units and a maximum of ten units. These 8-10 units must include a CCD Dissertation on a Mathematical Topic (which will count as a double Maths Department Unit) or a COD Dissertation on the History of Mathematics (which will count as a double unit from the "Other Units" list). One unit is the equivalent of a 16 hour lecture course. The equivalent of four units must be taken from the schedule of "Mathematics Department units" and may include a dissertation on a mathematical topic (double unit). Up to four units may be taken from the schedule of "Other Units" with not more than two from each category (Statistics options, Computer Science options, Other options).
Most Mathematics Department lecture courses are independently available as units.
You can register for the Part C courses you would like to take by selecting the courses from the list that appears below. Please note, that only one submission will be allowed per person so you should ensure that you have selected all of the courses you want to register for before submitting the form. You may register for up to 10 courses. The choices that you make now are not binding but will be used to plan teaching for next year.