In the third year you are required to take 8 optional courses for examination at the end of your third year subject to the following conditions:

- at least two courses from Schedule B1(M&CS);

- at least two subjects from Schedule B2(M&CS)

Classes for courses in Schedule B1 are administered by the Computer Science Department. Please refer to the CS Department's website for full details and guidance on what options you can choose, and what is recommended:

Full details on courses offered by the Mathematical Institute (Part B Schedule B2) can be found here:

Note that one Mathematics unit (usually 16-lecture course) will count as one of your Maths options.

The full handbook for Part B Maths & Computer Science students can be found here:

You can register for the Part B Maths courses you would like to take by selecting the courses from the list that appears below. Please note, that only one submission will be allowed per person so you should ensure that you have selected all of the courses you want to register for before submitting the form. The choices that you make now are not binding but will be used to plan teaching for next year.

Last updated on 5 Jul 2024, 12:51pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.