Mon, 05 Nov 2012
Anders Karlsson

Given a flat torus, we consider certain discrete graph approximations of

it and determine the asymptotics of the number of spanning trees

("complexity") of these graphs as the mesh gets finer. The constants in the

asymptotics involve various notions of determinants such as the

determinant of the Laplacian ("height") of the torus. The analogy between

the complexity of graphs and the height of manifolds was previously

commented on by Sarnak and Kenyon. In dimension two, similar asymptotics

were established earlier by Barber and Duplantier-David in the context of

statistical physics.

Our proofs rely on heat kernel analysis involving Bessel functions, which

in the torus case leads into modular forms and Epstein zeta functions. In

view of a folklore conjecture it also suggests that tori corresponding to

densest regular sphere packings should have approximating graphs with the

largest number of spanning trees, a desirable property in network theory.

Joint work with G. Chinta and J. Jorgenson.

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