Thu, 09 May 2013
15:00 - 16:00
Alejandro Betancourt

Based on ideas from Eells and Sampson, the Ricci flow was introduced by R. Hamilton in 1982 to try to prove Thurston's Geometrization Conjecture (a path which turned out to be successful). In this talk we will introduce the Ricci flow equation and view it as a modified heat flow. Using this we will prove the basic results on existence and uniqueness, and gain some insight into the evolution of various geometric quantities under Ricci flow. With this results we will proceed to define Perelman's $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{W}$ entropy functionals to view the Ricci flow as a gradient flow. If time permits we will briefly sketch some results from Cheeger and Gromov's compactness theory, which, along with the entropy functionals, alow us to blow up singularities.This is meant to be an introductory talk so I will try to develop as much geometric intuition as possible and stay away from technical calculations.

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