Tue, 18 Feb 2014
14:00 - 14:30
Yiming Yan
University of Edinburgh

When applied to an inequality constrained optimization problem, interior point methods generate iterates that belong to the interior of the set determined by the constraints, thus avoiding/ignoring the combinatorial aspect of the solution. This comes at the cost of difficulty in predicting the optimal active constraints that would enable termination.  We propose the use of controlled perturbations to address this challenge. Namely, in the context of linear programming with only nonnegativity constraints as the inequality constraints, we consider perturbing the nonnegativity constraints so as to enlarge the feasible set. Theoretically, we show that if the perturbations are chosen appropriately, the solution of the original problem lies on or close to the central path of the perturbed problem and that a primal-dual path-following algorithm applied to the perturbed problem is able to predict the optimal active-set of the original problem when the duality gap (for the perturbed problem) is not too small. Encouraging preliminary numerical experience is obtained when comparing the perturbed and unperturbed interior point algorithms' active-set predictions for the purpose of cross-over to simplex.

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