Tue, 25 Feb 2014
14:00 - 15:00
Kevin Walker
Santa Barbara

The classical Deligne conjecture (now a theorem with several published proofs) says that chains on the little disks operad act on Hochschild cohomology.  I'll describe a higher dimensional generalization of this result.  In fact, even in the dimension of the original Deligne conjecture the generalization has something new to say:  Hochschild chains and Hochschild cochains are the first two members of an infinite family of chain complexes associated to an arbitrary associative algebra, and there is a colored, higher genus operad which acts on these chain complexes.  The Connes differential and Gerstenhaber bracket are two of the simplest generators of the homology of this operad, and I'll show that there exist additional, independent generators.  These new generators are close cousins of Connes and Gerstenhaber which, so far as I can tell, have not been described in the literature.

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