Mon, 02 Jun 2014
14:15 - 15:15
Oxford-Man Institute
University of Oxford

When $\partial D$ is spatially homogeneous, we show that we can recover the lower and upper Minkowski dimensions of $\partial D$ from the sort time behaviour of $E(s)$. Furthermore, when the Minkowski dimension exists, finer geometric fluctuations can be recovered and $E(s)$ is controlled by $s^\alpha e^{f(\log(1/s))}$ for small $s$, for some $\alpha \in (0, \infty)$ and some regularly varying function $f$. The function $f$ is not constant is general and carries some geometric information.

When $\partial D$ is statistically self-similar, the Minkowski dimension and content of $\partial D$ typically exist and can be recovered from $E(s)$. Furthermore, $E(s)$ has an almost sure expansion $E(s) = c s^{\alpha} N_\infty + o(s^\alpha)$ for small $s$, for some $c$ and $\alpha \in (0, \infty)$ and some positive random variable $N_\infty$ with unit expectation arising as the limit of some martingale. In some cases, we can show that the fluctuations around this almost sure behaviour are governed by a central limit theorem, and conjecture that this is true more generally.

This is based on joint work with David Croydon and Ben Hambly.

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