Tue, 02 Jun 2015
12:00 - 13:00
Sylvie Paycha (Potsdam)

[based on joint work with Li Guo and  Bin Zhang]

 We apply to  the study of exponential sums on lattice points in
convex rational polyhedral cones, the generalised algebraic approach of
Connes and Kreimer to  perturbative quantum field theory.  For this purpose
we equip the space of    cones   with a connected coalgebra structure.
The  algebraic Birkhoff factorisation of Connes and Kreimer   adapted  and
generalised to this context then gives rise to a convolution factorisation
of exponential sums on lattice points in cones. We show that this
factorisation coincides with the classical Euler-Maclaurin formula
generalised to convex rational polyhedral cones by Berline and Vergne by
means of  an interpolating holomorphic function.
We define  renormalised conical zeta values at non-positive integers as the
Taylor coefficients at zero of the interpolating holomorphic function.  When
restricted to Chen cones, this  yields yet another way to renormalise
multiple zeta values  at non-positive integers.


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