Seminar series
Tue, 23 Jun 2015
17:00 - 18:00
Arno Fehm

Already Serre's "Cohomologie Galoisienne" contains an exercise regarding the following condition on a field F: For every finite field extension E of F and every n, the index of the n-th powers (E*)^n in the multiplicative group E* is finite. Model theorists recently got interested in this condition, as it is satisfied by every superrosy field and also by every strongly2 dependent field, and occurs in a conjecture of Shelah-Hasson on NIP fields. I will explain how it relates to the better known condition that F is bounded (i.e. F has only finitely many extensions of degree n, for any n - in other words, the absolute Galois group of F is a small profinite group) and why it is not preserved under elementary equivalence. Joint work with Franziska Jahnke.

*** Note unusual day and time ***

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