Mon, 01 Feb 2016
14:15 - 15:15
Hendrik Weber
University of Warwick

We consider the non-linear equation $T^{-1} u+\partial_tu-\partial_x^2\pi(u)=\xi$

driven by space-time white noise $\xi$, which is uniformly parabolic because we assume that $\pi'$ is bounded away from zero and infinity. Under the further assumption of Lipschitz continuity of $\pi'$ we show that the stationary solution is - as for the linear case - almost surely Hölder continuous with exponent $\alpha$ for any $\alpha<\frac{1}{2}$ w. r. t. the parabolic metric. More precisely, we show that the corresponding local Hölder norm has stretched exponential moments.

On the stochastic side, we use a combination of martingale arguments to get second moment estimates with concentration of measure arguments to upgrade to Gaussian moments. On the deterministic side, we first perform a Campanato iteration based on the De Giorgi-Nash Theorem as well as finite and infinitesimal versions of the $H^{-1}$-contraction principle, which yields Gaussian moments for a weaker Hölder norm. In a second step this estimate is improved to the optimal

Hölder exponent at the expense of weakening the integrability to stretched exponential.


This is joint work with Felix Otto.


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