Mon, 25 Apr 2016
Vicente Muñoz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Sasakian manifolds are odd-dimensional counterparts of Kahler manifolds in even dimensions, 
with K-contact manifolds corresponding to symplectic manifolds. It is an interesting problem to find
obstructions for a closed manifold to admit such types of structures and in particular, to construct
K-contact manifolds which do not admit Sasakian structures. In the simply-connected case, the
hardest dimension is 5, where Kollar has found subtle obstructions to the existence of Sasakian 
structures, associated to the theory of algebraic surfaces.
In this talk, we develop methods to distinguish K-contact manifolds from Sasakian ones in 
dimension 5. In particular, we find the first example of a closed 5-manifold with first Betti number 0 which is K-contact but which carries no semi-regular Sasakian structure.

 (Joint work with J.A. Rojo and A. Tralle).

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