Oxford Mathematician and Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science in the University of Oxford, Marcus du Sautoy, has been named one of London's most influential mathematicians in the London Standard Progress 1000 awards. The Progress 1000, in partnership with Citi, is an annual event hosted by The London Evening Standard to celebrate the people whose influence across many spheres of London life is felt most keenly by those who live in the City.

Marcus is not only a leading mathematician in his own right, but a driving force in the promotion and popularisation of mathematics and associated sciences. He has taken mathematics and science around the world, expressing its elegance, pleasures, and occasional pains, through lectures, theatre (his X & Y, a mathematical play written with Victoria Gould has been widely acclaimed) and most recently in his book "What We Cannot Know" where he tries to identify the frontiers to our knowledge. 


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